lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Groups sue Mirant Mid-Atlantic over power plant - Business First of Buffalo:
The federal lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Districr Court in Baltimore, claims that the Chalk Point Generatinbg Plant operatedby Atlanta-basedc Mirant Mid-Atlantic has spewed unacceptable levelsx of sulfur dioxide into the air hundredas of times without the appropriatwe pollution controls required under the federal Clean Air Act. A Miranft spokeswoman said thecompany hasn’t been servedr with the lawsuit yet, and can’t commenyt on the claims.
The Environmental Integritu Project, a legal nonprofit founded by former enforcement and Villari, Brandes and Kline have filed the lawsuit on behalfc of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and four residents, including a marrieed couple, Nancy and Norton Dodge, who live seveb miles away from the plant on a 1,200-acred farm in Mechanicsville. The Dodges “neeed to close windows, limit their time outdoors and/or cover their faces when they are outdoorse to avoid the respiratory irritants and smelo of the pollution from the Chalk Point Power thelawsuit reads.
Of the other two residents suiny Mirant, David Bookbinder livesw in Accokeek, about 30 milesz from the plant, and Chris Schmitthennedr livesin Mechanicsville, 11 miles and works five miles from the plant. The Environmental Integrity Projectg had sent Mirant a letter in January notifyingf of its intent to sue the power compantthis year. The plaintiffs pointede to a Harvard University 2006 studyg that showed that such particulate matter pollution from the Chalok Point plant can have negativee effects on the health and respiratoru systems of people living ina 400-kilometer, or nearlu 250-mile, radius of the plant.
In their initial notificatiom letter, the plaintiffs wrote that EPA hourly data showx that two boilers at the Chalk Point plant exceede allowable levels of sulfur dioxide emissions 591 timexin 2006, 726 times in 2007 and 113 timez in 2008. Mirant has said it’s launchex a $1.6 billion project to instalkl scrubbers andother pollution-reducing equipment on its Chalko Point boilers by the beginning of 2010.

sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

PHOTO OF THE DAY: The odd toroidal vortices - Sky Valley Chronicle

PHOTO OF THE DAY: The odd toroidal vortices

Sky Valley Chronicle

What you will see are examples of a phenomena called toroidal vortices that are produced by everything from humans to whales, volcanoes, hydrogen bombs, dolphins and more (maybe even cowboys in 1852 sitting around a campfire passing wind out on the ...

and more »

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Jenelle Evans Beats Roommate With Drumsticks ... Obviously - The Hollywood Gossip

E! Online

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Jenelle Evans Beats Roommate With Drumsticks ... Obviously

The Hollywood Gossip

Jo should obviously pay money to keep his son's standard of living up. But K ailyn could be a better communicator. Wash. Just because he lives at home doesn't mean he's a deadbeat or doesn't need the money. Not to go  »

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

American Airlines to drop RDU-Dallas flight - Triangle Business Journal:
The RDU-Dallas flight will touch down for the last time in American will still operatefive round-trip flights between the airport s each day, says Tim Smith, a spokesman for the American Airlines, a subsidiary of Fort Worth, Texas-basedx (NYSE: AMR), confirmed Friday that it would slash 1,600 jobs in a new rounf of cost-cutting. That ax will barely graze American’e RDU work force. The airline will shave only three jobs from its head count of 255 atthe airport, Smitjh says. Amother 172 people work with AMR’s Americanb Eagle commuter operationat RDU. The RDU positio cuts will come from airportservicesw and/or cargo operations, Smith says.
The airline is offering early retirementr packages, so the RDU crew might be spared from anyactuap layoffs. “It’s minimal impact,” Smitjh says of the job cuts at RDU. In the U.S., American’w restructuring will affect 1,200 flight attendant positions, along with 300 airporty services staff and 50 cargoservice positions. Flight attendant cuts will be made on a basi sof seniority.
Smith, the Americamn spokesman, said the layoffs are beingf made in conjunction with capacity reductions that includr the one flight between RDUand American’se hub at the Dallas-Fort Worth In a letter to American employees released the company’s senior vice presidenr of human resources, Jeff Brundage, said, “These reductions come as a resultg of our efforts to 'right size' our operationb and respond to the weakert demand for travel by reducing our schedule, including seasonalp changes, and addressing lower-than-expected Brundage in his letter added that the cuts coincide with CEO Gerard Arpey’s announcement that the airlinew will be cutting its capacity by 7.
5 percen t due to lower consumer travel American ranks second in passengers enplaned at Raleigh-Durhakm International Airport so far this trailing only Dallas, Texas-based rivak (NYSE: LUV).

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Hatem pulls out of Raleigh downtown project - Orlando Business Journal:
Hatem told the Raleigh City Council Tuesday thathis firm, , is unabl to secure financing for the project at this given the economic conditions. City council memberx immediately voted to sever tieswith Empire. “We shoulrd have done this (pull the plug) last year,” Haten says. “It was disappointing but now Iam relieved.” Empire signed a deal with the city in 2007 aftere the city decided to sell the land for $1.44 millionb (about $70-a-foot) along Salisbury Street, and the developmen t company agreed to specific benchmarm deadlines to finish the project.
The developer misseed a deadlinein 2008, at whicnh time Raleigh City Manageer Russell Allen recommended that the city cut its ties with Empirer without any extension. Under termd of the agreement, Hatem neverd actually bought the property. The city now will consider re-issuingy a request for proposals forthe project. “Askingg the developer to agrere to a schedule that was detache from the realities of the econom was atbest flawed,” Hatem told the city council. “ But the nail in the coffinh was eliminating the possibility of anyfuturer extension.
Even in a good economic it is virtually impossible to secure thefunding necessary, knowing that the agreement would be canceled at a time certain without discussion. “ The two-phasew $50 million project, called , was meant to be a big piec e ofdowntown Raleigh’s revitalization efforts, with the hotel an important pieced in helping the new $220 million book events. Hatem has renovated several buildings in downtown Raleigh in recen t years and also owns several restaurants in the area including theDuck Dumpling, , The Pit and soon-to-opened Hatem told the council that Empiree has created more than 200 jobs in downtown Raleighj and has invested more than $80 millio in the local economy.
In all, Empire companieds pay $2 million annually in sales, property, franchise and othee miscellaneous taxes, Hatem told the “ As I walk, peoplde form across the world and across town throughy the streets of downtown Raleig these pastfew months, one thing was This ambitious project is not possible at this time,” Hatem told the council. Hatem estimates he invested $500,000 to do the preliminar y work onthe project.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

Brinker International Mourns the Loss of Restaurant Industry Pioneer and Chairman Emeritus, Norman Brinker
Norman's legacy to the foodservice industry will live on througy the brands he helped grow and expand acros sthe globe. died Tuesday morning at the ageof 78. Norman was remarkable for the breadtg and depth of his contributionw to therestaurant industry. He created the places wher the world comesto eat, and over the past 26 has been the heart of Brinkerf International. Back in 1983, he joined a small company calle Chili's and built it into the portfolio restaurantt organization we now calledBrinker International. "The world lost a true pioneer this morning. Norman changed our industry, and by changingh our industry, he provided opportunities for many.
He was personallgy involved in teaching, mentoring and passinvg on his experience and skills on how to be a greaf leader to me and countless others. From CEOs and Directors to dishwashersand cooks, Norman was an inspiration to many, many people throughout the restaurant industry," said , presidentt and CEO of Brinker International. "All 125,000 BrinkerHeads are mourning the loss of our belovecd leaderand friend." single-handedly created the niche now knownj as casual dining with the creation of Steakj and Ale in 1965.
Underf Norman's mentorship, opportunities for advancemeny and growth were created for thousands offood bartenders, chefs and bussers who later became managerw and leaders in the industry. Many CEOs of major restaurant companies across the United States started their careers workingh for Norman and have now gone on to create theidr own legacies after learning from the most respected name in the Norman was very involved in givinf back to the community and encouraged everyone he worked with to give back througy a variety ofdifferent activities. He liked to say, "To whom much is much is required." He was instrumental in the launcn of theSusan G. Komem Foundation (now Susan G.
Komemn for the Cure), and was involved with the organizatiojn for the remainder ofhis life. He also supportefd Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children and theSalvationj Army. He served on the boardzs of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and Dallae Museumof Art. "Norman always wantec to be successful and he was very He had a passion for winning stemmin g back from his days as an Olympicequestriann athlete. And he always won with integrity, whichb is why Norman is universally admired by everyonde in therestaurant industry," said Throughout his career, Norman was honored with several industry'sx and community's awards.
In 1985, he receivecd the Award, given to outstanding Americansw who have succeeded in spitedof adversity. He also receiverd the Elliot Mentor Award from the Elliot Leadership Conferencein 2005. In April of 2007, Normah was inducted into the Culinary Instituteof America's Hall of Fame, and received its Augie recognizing his many achievements in the foodservicr industry. And in May of Norman was awarded theRoberg S. Folsom Leadership Award from Methodist Health Systemn Foundation in Dallas for hisentrepreneurial spirit, businesa accomplishments and generous community support. Brinker International, Inc.
(NYSE: is one of the world's leading casuall dining restaurant companies, serving more than 1 millionb guests daily. Founded in 1975 and basex in Dallas, Texas, Brinker owns or franchisews nearly 1,700 restaurants in 29 countries and two territorie s and employs morethan 125,000. Brinkef restaurant brands include Chili's(R) Grill Bar, On The Border Mexican Grilpl & Cantina(R), and Maggiano's Littlde Italy(R). Brinker also holds a minority investmentin Romano's Macaroni Grill(R).
The companyg was named one of FORTUNE Magazine's Most Admirecd Food Service Companies in 2009 and was honored by the magazinre as one of the Top 50 Employers for Minoritie s and the Top 50 Employers for Formore information, visit . SOURCE Brinkerd International, Inc.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Cape plane crash victims both certified pilots - The Boston Globe

Cape plane crash victims both certified pilots

The Boston Globe

Walker received his certification as a private pilot in 2006, according to an FAA database. Hues was certified as a ground instructor in 2005, as a commercial pilot in 2009, and as a flight instructor in July, the database shows. ...

and more »

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The change reflects the bank’e continued integration with , which acquired Charlotte-based on Dec. 31. “Bt adopting the Wells Fargo nameand brand, we’rr now fully part of one of the world’s most respectee financial companies,” says Neil Ryan, chief executive of Wellws Fargo Bank International. “We look forward to satisfyingf all ofour clients’ financial needs across Europse and helping them succeee financially.
” Wells Fargo Bank Internationao is a European Union bank headquartered in In addition, Wells Fargo’s investment-bankinbg and capital-markets businesses, which formerly operated undefr the Wachovia Securities and certain Well s Fargo brands, have taken the name Wells Farg o Securities. Retail brokerage products and service formerly marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offeredc through WellsFargo Advisors. Wellss Fargo (NYSE:WFC) is based in San Francisco.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

30-doctor GCAP group wants to leave Alliance - Phoenix Business Journal:
GCAP, a primary care group with abouf30 doctors, joined the hospital system only 20 months ago. Now it’ds claiming a litany of contract violationsthat “havw seriously affected the ability of the physicianz to provide excellent health care for theitr many patients.” In a June 3 letter to Health Alliancr CEO Ken Hanover, the doctors list 15 complaints, • Lack of 12 months’ notice on changes in contractuak arrangements, including payment of benefits; failure to pay leading to the “embarrassing shutdown of servicesa necessary to operate our business.
” The doctorz on Wednesday filed a complainty in Hamilton County Common Pleas They ask to be released from servicer to the Health Alliance and for damages and attorneyu fees. When it joined the Healtbh Alliancein 2007, GCAP was the only large, independentt practice of its type in the It became a wholly owned subsidiarh of the hospital system, which includes Jewish and Fort Hamiltonn hospitals, and the . The practicw had hoped to benefit from a completed electronic health records system that could interact withthe Alliance’s as well as the abilitty to expand geographically and recruit doctors more effectively.
Healtj Alliance spokesman Tony Condia, in a writtem statement, said the health system was "surprisee and disappointed" by the letter and He said the Alliance had initially tried to negotiatse withthe physicians, then offerex independent arbitration, which the practice refused. The Alliance was preparingf for preliminary discussions to sever the relationship when the lawsuit was filed. "This litigation violates the terms of theservice agreement, which requires us to resolve disputesz such as this with a neutral arbitrator. We would therefor encourage the GCAP physicians to uphold theid contractual obligations and not pursue costly according tothe statement.
withdrews from the Health Alliance followingh a long court battle that began inMarchn 2006. It started operating independently in 2008 but only signee a final settlement agreement inJanuarg 2009. The two St. Luke hospitals similarly withdrew, reachinvg a settlement with the Health Alliance inSeptember 2008. St. Luke has merged with .

martes, 10 de enero de 2012

New DSW CEO stitches growth plan - Dayton Business Journal:
“There are limits to margin-expanding expense reduction a companycan do, so the only way to ensurwe long-term profit growth is through top-line growth,” he told securitiese analysts May 27. “Improving our top-lin trend is the single most important thinyg forthis company.” The Columbus merchant used storr openings to increase sales 5 percent to $385.8 millioh in the quarter ended May 2, but receipts at storew open at least a year dropped 4.7 percen – the seventh consecutive quarte of same-store sales declines for the discount shoe retailer.
Whilw DSW, like all in this is watching expenses, MacDonald said the company’w debt-free balance sheet enables it to pursuw somegrowth initiatives, such as increased spending on television advertising and additionall investment in sourcing and “(DSW) has the wherewithal and desire to go forwarr with several strategic initiatives at a time when just about everyones in the world is pullinfg back,” said MacDonald, who took charge of DSW in Aprio after leading Green Bay, Wis.-based discounyt pharmacy LLC. Many of MacDonald’s growth initiatives center on gaininv more insightinto consumers, improving the dsw.
conm Web site launched last year, and buildinbg up the company’s 11 million-member rewards loyalty program. In additionb to some technical improvements to the Web expanding theonline store’s offerings and scoped could open up additional sales for the MacDonald said. His two shoe-size-related initiativees would ensure that stores are stockef to meet demand and that customers who cannot find certain sizes or widths at storeds would be able to doso online.
While stockingh a variety of sizesw could lead to excessive markdowns insome instances, shiftingb some of that inventory to the Web outley could improve store and online Information is at the heart of many of MacDonald’as initiatives. More effective use of the company’s loyaltyg program database helps DSW not only learn moreabout customers, how they shop and what they buy, but also woulf better enable DSW to stimulate demand with targetedr offers, something it is doing already. And the Web site not only coul d be used to get more sales from areasoutside DSW’ws 304-store network, but also could give the chain insights into markets for potential stores.
Analyst Chris Svezia of , said the lack of informatio n technology systems has been the biggestt drawbackfor DSW, though the company is workingb to fix that and has invested in store and home offic technology. “Their balance sheeft and conceptremain positives,” he adding that he thinks DSW is a viabler business for the long term but expects it will struggle over the next year in a promotion-heavyt retail environment spurred by the national economic recession, DSW also will examine its including what MacDonald called a “strong evaluation” of a new storwe format.
The DSW store near Easton Town remodeledin 2007, is the latest prototype with softer exposed brick trim, earth tones and a loungse area for men – a contrast to the whitwe walls and bright lights of other stores. MacDonalds said the chain has instituted changes at storees over theyears – includingh alterations to their size, decor and servic approach – and that it’s time to use what it has learnec to improve their design. CFO Doug Probsr said the chain has options beyonds store design that are notvery expensive.
Creatingv an online stock locator systemj could translate to more efficient work andadded sales, he freeing employees from calling other stores to find shoees that are out of The company also needs to be more than a women’sa shoe store, he said. Its men’xs business accounts for 15 percent of and accessories such as handbags represen less than5 percent. Men’w goods once accounted for more than 20 percentof sales. “It’s not an objective that hadn’t already been achieved in the MacDonald said. MacDonald sees opportunities in the leased shoedepartmeny business. DSW pulled in $41.
7u million of first-quarter sales through contracts to stocik shoes at36 Filene’es Basement Inc. stores, ’s 65 shops, 275 storezs and one Frugal Fannie’s Fashiomn Warehouse. DSW rents space at the stores, but supplies the shoeas and recordsthe sales. “We can do MacDonald said. “There are others out there who could use our DSW executives would not comment on the relationshiwith Filene’s Basement and the lease contract, which runs througj 2010. DWS and Filene’s Basement had been ownee by Columbus-based Filene’s Basement was sold this year and pland to close stores it works through a Chapte 11bankruptcy restructuring.
MacDonald offered no prioritiee or time line for the saying those details would be worker out in thecoming months.

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012
Q Are we seeing the worst in termw ofhome sales, or do you think it will get worse? Does the industry have a forecast of when it mighyt be better ? A Houstobn is now slipping into the grips of the nationak recession and we will to some degred be subject to how the national economy so probably a bit worse. The one consensus that I consistentlty hear and read is that as the recoveryy begins andtakes hold, Houston will be one of the very firsft cities to recover. Q Communities that thought they would be ina sell-out situation at this point are now seeing themselved with lots still for sale.
On the there are developers who are creating new Given the lowerhousing demand, should developers or builders wait for things to even out, or would that present a problemm ? A This reminds me of the proverbial “Is the glass half empty or half New-home supply and the vacant developed lot supply, whilr not in perfect are certainly in prett y good shape and with any uptic in sales we could quicklg see a shortage in both. This becomes even more acute as you the inventory intothe “A” communities, communities, etc.
There will be a numbetr of lots and communitied that will probably take a long timein “cominfg back” as they were developed in locations and in a manner that was directexd at the “subprime” buyer and, as we all know, the buyers are still out there but the financing is not. Market shared for “A” communities will continue to grow as buyerzs seek the safetyof master-planned communities. Q Because the only placesw to get large parcels of land are farther out from the city has urban sprawl become a problem forHoustomn ? A What is the center of the city Is it downtown or the Galleria/West Loop?? Both have 30 million-plus squar feet of office space.
The pointf being that Houston now has multiple work centers that have allowec people to livefarther out, but not have to commute longee and longer distances. These work centers include TexasMedical Center, Greenway Plaza, Galleria/Wes Loop, Westchase, Energy Corridor, Sugar Land, Clear Lake City, Greenspoint and The Woodlands. To meet our housinh demand in the coming our region will not only require continuex development inthe suburbs, but a vibrant redevelopment effort withimn the central city as well. Q What do you thinkm the future holds for the home industry over the next fiveyeares ?
A The short answer is a moderate but steady recovery that grows to a stabilized annual demand of approximately 1.5 million new homes per year. The U.S. is the thirr most populous nation on the only surpassed by China and The U.S. is currently growing at slightlg less than1 percent, but in nominal terms by more than 3 million new people per year (birtha over deaths plus Houston alone grows by approximately 120,000 new people per year. These folksw have to live somewhere, and more than 100,000 units of the currenft housing stock in this country need to be replacex on an annual basis due tofunctional obsolescence.
Q Sincs Houston isn’t doing as bad as otherd areas, what should builders and developerss be focusing onhere ? A I hope that we use this “downn time” as an opportunity to reflect on the past five What did we do right What did we do wrong?? What can we do better? The development and buildingh community should focus on building sustainable communitiesw and homes — communities and homes that will grow better over time so they don’rt become part of that housinb stock that needs to be replaced on an annual basis.
While the sales in our communitiews are continuing at a very robust Iknow that, at Newland, we are continually lookingy back to evaluate what worked and what didn’t. We are alwayse looking to the home to try and understand whatthey want, need and most what they are willing to pay for. Thano someone that tastes do change; otherwise we coulcd all still bewearingb double-knit leisure suits or beehive

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

The Memphis-based discount retailer reportex salesof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percent compared to sales of $143.4 milliom in May 2008. These numbers include Fred’s FRED) closing 74 underperforming stores and23 pharmacies. Excluding those Fred’s sales increased 1 percent compared tolast May. Comparables store sales in Mayrose 0.2 percent, down comparedc to 3.4 percent in the same period last For the first four fiscal months of 2009, the company reporte total sales of $593.1 million, down 2.4 percent compared to $607.
7 million for the same year-ago However, excluding stores closed in 2008, salex from ongoing stores increased 4 percent compared to thesame four-montgh period last year. On a comparable store basis, year-to-date sales increase d 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 percent last Fred’s opened one new pharmacy in May. Fred’sd operates 666 discount merchandise stores, including 24 franchised storesw nationwide. Shares closed down 12 cents to $14.22 per share Wednesday.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Second woman charged with assault in Walmart chemical fight - Baltimore Sun

Second woman charged with assault in Walmart chemical fight

Baltimore Sun

By Luke Broadwater, The Baltimore Sun A second woman has been charged in the bleach and Pine-Sol fight that temporarily shut down a Baltimore County Walmart in the fall. A Baltimore County grand jury has indicted Ebony Odoms, 27, of Reisterstown, ...

and more »

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Researchers unlock 'intelligence' of slime - Vancouver Sun


Researchers unlock 'intelligence' of slime

Vancouver Sun

A brainless, primeval organism able to navigate a maze might help Japanese scientists devise the ideal transport network design. Not bad for a mono-cellular being that lives on rot-ting leaves. Amoeboid yellow slime mould has been on Earth for ...

See, what may power 'bio computers'

Times of India
