Vast sea-based wind farm could create 200 city jobs This is South Wales TWO-HUNDRED full-time jobs will be created in Swansea if it is chosen as the operations centre for the vast Atlantic Array wind farm. Developer RWE npower renewables said the workers would service up to 278 massive turbines out at sea. |
jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012
Vast sea-based wind farm could create 200 city jobs - This is South Wales
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012
Danish arrest two brothers in terror plot - Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Daily News | Danish arrest two brothers in terror plot Philadelphia Inquirer By Jan M. Olsen AP COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Two Danish brothers origin » |
lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012
With 2 big sailing-themed events, RI embraces its nautical roots this summer ... - Washington Post
With 2 big sailing-themed events, RI embraces its nautical roots this summer ... Washington Post Next month's America's Cup World Series regatta at Fort Adams State Park is expected to feature top international sailors competing in catamarans built for speed and agility. The event is scheduled for June 23 to July 1 and will include four days of ... RI returning to nautical roots this summer |
domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012
As recession grows, more Seattle work goes into development limbo - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Two dozen construction projects in Seattl are stalled due tothe recession, according to a tall y by the city. They’re not getting any Instead of gaining a grocery store ornew homes, neighborhoods are inheritingv holes in the ground and half-finishedr buildings. The list — the first count by the city —includes more than $40 million worth of projectsx and hundreds of thousandd of square feet of ranging from condominium developments toretaik projects. The projects hail from the heart of Ballard and the edgez ofQueen Anne.
Many have been sitting untouched for more thana It’s the first time in decades that Seattle has compiled such a but it took the step this spring to try to assesxs the effect of the creditt market’s collapse on the Puget Sound real estater market. Inspectors conducted an informal surveyt to find potentially stalled sitesx and to make sure they are kept cleanand safe. “This is unusual definitely,” said Alan Justad, deputy director of the Seattlre Department of Planningand Development.
“You just don’yt see things stall very oftenin “In recent decades we haven’t had anything like The number of stalled projects coulf grow substantially, especially if the recession Another 400 projects are awaiting initial city Some of those have had little activityy in recent months, and it remainss unclear how many of those ultimately could be stalled or abandoned, Justad The city is offering to exten d the approval period for up to two years. “Wes just do not want to close the on projects, Justad said. “The question is whethet they want to put on hold or canceolthe project.
” Developers of the 24 projectxs identified as stalled have shelled out at leasft $400,000 for permits and fees — and that doesn’t include thousandx of dollars in fees they’ve paid to other city Justad said. Those fees are City officials plan to help these strugglinvg developers keep theirpermits active, Justasd said. That way, when the real estatw market doesturn around, they’ll be ready to go Until then, many of them are just waiting. Whiled the 24 stalled projects comparewith 1,80o that appear to be going ahead, the numberr is highly indicative of the weak development Justad said.
The causes of the stalls are Some developers are struggling with financing as locall banks cut back on realestate lending. Others are facingg foreclosure with no hope of selling or finishinghtheir property. Some can’t even sell the land because of the steepl dropin prices. The Puget Sound Business Journal phoned everyu developer identified bythe city. Many did not return calls. At least one disputed his projecwas stalled. “We continu e to work on it we haven’t stopped,” said Michael who’s developing 301 apartments on the formerr Leilani Lanes bowling alley site on GreenwooddAvenue North.
Some of the eyesores are more recognizablrethan others: the failed Hotek 1 condominium project in downtown Seattle, whichh has developed into a giant pit next to the Macy’s parkinyg garage, and the site of the former Ballard Denny’s restaurant are on the list. Otherse are less obvious. Developer Paul Guzman was buildinga six-stor condo building near Queen Anne until his financing from Everett-based fell Now the property, 70 percent complete, is in foreclosurs and Guzman has filed for personaol bankruptcy. Frontier is struggling with bad real estatse loans and is operating under strictregulatory enforcement. The bank doesn’r comment on individual lendingv relationships.
“At a certain poingt I realizedthey weren’t going to give me the said Guzman. “(The project) just got delayed and delayeed again.” The stalled projects are in varioua stages ofthe city’s permittin process. Some developers, like , have full permits but are fightinb a bad realestate market. The developerr planned to builda three-story, 12-unit condo buildingv on Capitol Hill with all the gree n amenities that have become wildly popula r in Seattle.
Working with a $5 million construction loan fromSeattled Bank, Great Northern tore down several existinb buildings on the land — and then the real estatee market came to a screeching halt, said Ed Gallaudet, owner of the Early last year, Seattle Bank “put the brakes on the said Gallaudet. Now the land has been sittingb for over a year and Gallaudef is exploringhis options. He could try to builxd fewer units and pricee themat $500,000, about $100,000 less than he originallyt anticipated. Or he could sell the land at asteeo discount.
“We have to figure out how to builds a product and make less moneyon it,” said “And do we need another 12 unitsz on the market rightf now? Probably not.”
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012
Sprint Nextel has Palm Pre exclusively through year
The Overland Park-based company (NYSE: S), the third-largest wireless with about 49million subscribers, still wouldn’t give exac dates of its exclusivity period. The Pre, a touch-screen phone with a slide-out keyboard made by Palm Inc. PALM), . The phone operates on a new webOS platform that enables users to integratw information from multiple places intoone calendar, contacts list or e-mail view, and it supports professional, entertainment and personal data. CEO Lowell McAdam reportedly saidthe company, the No. 1 wireless carrier, will offerf the phone within six Sprint clarified its claim on the phone througb theholiday season.
The Pre is intended to help Sprint combatthe iPhone, made by (Nasdaq: AAPL) and offerecd by No. 2 wireless carrieer (NYSE: T). Sprint has been losinv customers, including about 4.1 million contract subscriberdlast year. Sprint rank s No. 1 on the Kansazs City BusinessJournal ’s list of the area’s top public companies.
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012
Ex-BDO Seidman official penalized for lack of oversight - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The PCAOB's investigation, which was made public centered aroundStephen J. who was assurance practice directorin BDO's Philadelphi office. Nardi was responsible for providing technical guidancs to other partners and managers onaudit engagements, coordinating the office' quality control activities and overseeing the scheduling and assignmeny of audit personnel to The PCAOB said he directly supervisedc most of the audit managers and senior managersz in the Philadelphia office and influenced promotion decisionzs of personnel.
Nardi, according to the assigned audit manager Anne Marie Fitzpatrickl to oversee an auditof Philadelphia-based client Hemispherx Biopharma's financiakl statements for fiscal year 2004. But in the fall of that after she completedthe audit-planningb phase, Nardi directed her to stop working on the Hemisphers audit and concentrate on another client. Aftedr she stopped working on Hemispherx, she did not supervisd or review the work performed by more juniort members of theaudit team, according to the PCAOB.
The field work was completed without the supervision of an audit manage and was never subject to a detailed reviea as required byBDO policy, the PCAOB Nardi authorized the release of BDO' s audit report on Hemispherx'sw financial statements on March 16, 2005, and the reportt was included with the company's 10K Form filexd that day with the U.S. Securitiews and Exchange Commission. But in Augustr 2005, BDO partners from other officew announced they would be performing routine quality control inspections of the Philadelphia office and that the Hemispherxs audit would be one of the audits selectedxfor inspection.
According to PCAOB, Nardik asked a subordinate to check the Hemispherxs audit and that person uncovered the lack of initialz and signatures from Nardi and Fitzpatrick, which would indicate that a detailesd review was performed. The PCAOB said Nardi then told a hesitantf Fitzpatrick to initial and sign the auditr paper work and backdate them to datee preceding the issuance of the Marchaudit report, even thouguh she had not done a review. As part of an agreemen reachedwith PCAOB, Nardi has been barred from associatinyg with a registered accounting firm but may file a petitiohn for reinstatement after one year.
BDO askex Nardi to resign and the separation became official onMarch 21, 2006, the PCAOB said. Fitzpatrick, who was censurex by the PCAOB, resigned from the firm in Februaryh 2006. When contacted Tuesday morning, a BDO spokesperson releasedf a statement. "This matter, which took place in involved two former professionals of the BDO said. "Upon uncoverin g the conduct, BDO Seidmab immediately launched an extensiveinternall investigation, conducted by outside counsel, and appropriat corrective measures were taken by the Efforts to reach Nardio and Fitzpatrick Tuesday were not successful.
The PCAOg is a private-sector, nonprofit created by Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, to overseew the auditors of public companies.
martes, 22 de mayo de 2012
Zila posts $1.5M loss, warns of bankruptcy without more funding - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Phoenix oral cancer diagnosticss company released itsfiscal third-quarter result s Tuesday, showing a loss of $1.5 million on $5 millionm in revenue for the three months endedc April 30. That compares with a $4.4 millio n loss on $6.8 million in revenue for the same perio din 2008. For the firsf nine months of 2009, Zila lost nearly $30 million on revenue of $15.6 compared with $14 million in losses on $20 million in In its quarterly filing withthe U.S. Securities and Exchang e Commission, Zila said revenue has been negatively impacted by the economt and because of customer concern abouyt its viability as anongoing business.
“Concerns about our financial viability have also contributed to an increasefd turnover in our field sales force and other key staf f areas and have led to a reductiom in our marketing effectivenesx and our reach to new andexisting customers,” the company said in its To stem the blood loss, Zila has continued salar reductions for a number of management reduced its field salesx force by 15 percent, eliminated its employee stock purchasre plan, furloughed certain manufacturing production personnel and reduced tradse show expenditures. Still, the decline in revenues means Zila has been cuttinvg into itscash reserves. As of April 30, the companyh had $3.
1 million in cash and cash comparedwith $2.5 million on Jan. 31, $3.2 millionn Oct. 31, 2008, and $4.5 milliob July 31, 2008. “In order to continue as a goinv concern and fund our current level of operations over the next 12 we will require additional funding and need to restructure or retirde our senior securedconvertiblr notes,” the filing reads. “If we are unablre to execute these strategies, we will likelyg be forced to file for protection under Chapte 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or liquidatse the company under Chapter 7 of the FederalBankruptcy Code.
” In April, Zila transferred the listing of its commobn stock from the Nasdaq Global Marke t to Nasdaq’s Capital Market, continuing to tradwe under the symbol ZILA. This allowss the company to continue itslisting status, which it was in danget of losing because the stock price has failes to remain above $1 for the required The stock closed at 62 cents a share Tuesday. Its 52-weekj range is 3 centsx and $3.08 a share. The companty has morphed over the years, from selling Zilactihn cold cream medication and vitamin C products to focusw on cancer detection products marketed directlhyto dentists.
In May, company officials testifiex at a congressional hearing on innovative technologyfor veterans, urging legislators to pressx the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to expaned the useof Zila’s ViziLit Plus for veterans, who are at a highetr risk of oral cancer. Zila has a five-yead contract to market ViziLite Plus to 48 VA dental clinicd and 154 Department of Defensedental clinics.
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012
Andrews named as president of RSM McGladrey - Kansas City Business Journal:
RSM McGladrey, an accounting, tax and businesss consulting company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of H&dR Block (NYSE: HRB). Andrewa previously served as presidenytof , commonly known as Sally Mae, befor e retiring in 2008. He also had a 29-year careedr at Arthur Andersen, holding various leadership Andrews is a member of the boards of directorsdfor , and . “His extensive industry background and leadership including nearly three decades with a major globalaccountingb firm, make him a great choice for the company as it pursued the tremendous market opportunities that exist and builda on its recent growth,” said H&R Blocik CEO Russ Smyth in a release.
“Im particular, C.E. will lead efforts to further builcd theMcGladrey brand, increase our ability to attracf and retain talent, and increase our share among the firms in the middle market.” Andrews replace s Steve Tait, who resigned effective April 30. Tait servedr as president since 2003. Andrews will have a base of operationw in both Chicagoand
sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012
Rahul Gandhi energised YC workers: Vasudeo - Daily Pioneer
Rahul Gandhi energised YC workers: Vasudeo Daily Pioneer Youth icon, Rahul Gandhi, national general secretary of All India Congress Committee infused great enthusiasm and zeal into party youth during his nine-hour visit to the State, Uttam Kumar Vasudeo, president of State Youth Congress said. |
viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012
Mercury News workers OK 9% pay cut - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The new contract cuts pay 7 percent for the rest of and slashes an additional 2 percent from paychecks starting onNew Year’w Day. The Media Workers Guild’s Northernb California unit announced late last week that it had reacher a tentative contract deal with the Mercury News for its 257 memberx atthe paper. The contacy also increases employee health insurance contributions and makedother concessions. The Guild represents 257 Mercury News including 130 in editorial jobs and 127in circulation, finance and support A ratification meeting to discuss and vote on the proposedd contract was held Monday The new contract expires Nov. 30, 2010.
Otherf concessions include reduced vacationn accruals and movingthe Merc’s copy desk to Walnu t Creek, where MediaNews’ is based. It owns the Mercury News and 11 other daily papers in the which include virtually all of the dailu papers in the Bay Area except theand . “This is a tough contracg that will hurt a lot of our but it reflects the terrible situation that the news industru and the countryis in,” San Jose Guilrd President Sylvia Ulloa said in a statementy published in the Mercury News . Ulloza was on the bargaining committee that negotiateedwith management.
“The committee did the best we could do to limiy the damage toour members, minimize the loss of jobs and to try to maintaimn the quality of the Mercurh News.” The deal would also permit managemenr to require up to five furloug h days in 2010, move remaininv circulation and finance jobs to the Bay Area News Group’s shared services center in San consolidate advertising functions in the East Bay and San hire commission-only sales representatives to develop new business, and win some additiona l subcontracting rights, according to the Guild. The contracyt negotiations have taken place during grim times fordailt newspapers.
Several major papersx have folded in recent including the and the print version ofthe , and many major metropolitan papers, including the San Francisco Chronicle , , , and face dauntintg financial challenges.
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012
“Roger Penske and Penske Automotive Group has purchasee theSaturn brand,” Davies says. “It’s a greatt day for Saturn.” Davies says the sale meansx dealers andemployees who’ve been on edge since GM announcefd it would jettison Saturn in can now breath a sigh of relief. “Today 350 dealershipsz were savedand 13,000 employees. This is fabulous Davies says. “We will be divorced from Generall Motors by the end of the A report fromBloomberg News, which citese an unidentified source, says Penske will pay between $100 millio n and $200 million for the Davies says companies are expected to release details of the deal lated on Friday, including who the new manufacturing company will be.
Penske Automotiver Group, Inc., headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. operates 310 retail automotived franchises, representing 40 differenyt brands. The successful sale of it’s Saturn brandc is the next stepfor cash-strapped GM, which filef for bankruptcy Monday. In May, the auto maketr announced it would beclosing 1,100 dealerships and a full 40 percentf of its dealer network — some 2,600 locations — by the end of next year. Earlier this Troy Pfaff of Pfaff Chevrolet Inc. in Mulvane, Kan., received a letter notifying him his dealership woulrd be amongthose cut. “It’as a tough deal,” he says.
“Bugt nothing’s really set in stone becauser it’s all dependant on the bankruptcy.” He says even if the courrt allows GM to close theselected dealerships, he will remainn a GM dealer until his contracy expires next year. “I’m stilk in business,” he says. “I’jm open until October
martes, 15 de mayo de 2012
CalPERS committee OKs health care rate increases - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Rate proposals approved by the committee will go to the full CalPERSw Board of Administration foractiohn Wednesday. Basic HMO rates for state workerd will rise an averageof 3.43 percent in down from almost 6.6 percent in 2009. The rate hikes run from a low of 0.32 percenf for Blue Shield Net Value to a highof 4.9 percengt for Kaiser. Figures for public agenct workers varyby region. Medicare HMO ratew for all workers and regiona will increase an averageof 0.27 percenrt in 2010, but vary from a 12.27 drop for memberz of Blue Shield Access+ to a 6.5 percenyt increase for Kaiser members.
“We are extremely pleasex to presentthese rates,” Gregory Franklin, assistant executiver officer of CalPERS health benefits branch, told committee memberzs Tuesday. “Negotiations were extremely There were many optionss and extra meetings on what we werelooking for: affordability.” The Kaiser rates were achieved by aligningg them with the Blue Shields benefit design, Franklin Kaiser will eliminate chiropractic benefitsd next year and increase the copayment for a 100-dat supply of prescription drugs. CalPERS kept the lid on increasese atits self-funded preferred provider organizationm plans by using $46.7 million in surplus reserveas to “buy down” rates.
The averaged PPO rate increase for state workers in 2010is 3.29 but it runs from a low of 1.38 percentf for PERS Select to a high of 12 perceng for PERSCare. Medicare PPO rates will increase an averageof 0.27 percen in all areas, but they range from a 12.27 percen t drop for Blue Shield Access + to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaisedr coverage. Committee chair Priya Mathur applauded the plans and CalPERdS staff for the goodrate news, adding that the smallk increases in 2010 are due to cumulatives changes over the last severak years to operate the health benefits program more cost-effectivel y without jeopardizing quality of care.
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012
Burgess: Property tax losses
The Miami-Dade County property appraiseer released its preliminary tax rollinformation Monday, with all four taxinbg jurisdictions – fire library, the unincorporated area and Miami-Dade overalll – seeing a decline. The countywide decrease comparing preliminart tax numbers from year to year showx a 9 percent or a totalof $22.55 billion.” “These losses wouldc have been worse if not for new construction that was addedr to the property tax roll as of Jan. County Manager George Burgess said in a memo sent tocountyu commissioners. North Bay Village took the biggest hit, down 20.2 percent from 2008 Homestead sawan 18.2 percent followed by Normandy Shores, down 17.
5 and Aventura which was down 17.3 percent. Goldeh Beach and the tiny city of Islandi a sawno change. Medley saw a 1.5 percen drop while Biscayne Park saw a 4percentt decline. Click for the full Staffers reviewed property tax roll going back to 1985 and founc that 1993 saw taxables value shrinkby 2.9 percent, or $1.9 “Even in 2008, when we absorbed the impact of doublintg the homestead exemption from $25,000 to the property tax roll was relatively flat,” Burgessx explained in the memo. “Theser losses in property tax roll values are Burgess warned of a lot more pain on the using the last two years as a barometerf of whatis coming.
For the second consecutivre year, Miami-Dade faced a $200 million budget gap in the last fiscal Core services were kept intacyt bytightening belts, but assuming the same tax rate adopteds for 2008-09, the estimated ad valorem revenues for fiscakl year 2009-10 would shrink by $174.11 million, according to the memo. Takinh into account the impact of normal inflationar growth and theeconomic slowdown, combined with the non ad valorejm revenue sources, results in property tax subsidized operations facing a budger gap of $350 million to $400 million, Burgessd said.
“We are working diligently to preparee a proposed budget forFY [fiscal 2009-10 that to the extent possible, preserves essentialp services and minimizes service impacts to our he wrote in the memo. “However, closing a budgetaryh gap of this size will require some verydifficulyt decisions.”
viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012
All Children
has assigned an AA rating to the Cityof St. Petersburgv Health Facilities Authority refunding bonds that are being issued withAll Children’zs as the obligated An AA rating indicatesd very high credit quality with expectations for very low defaulrt risk. The rating outlook is stable. Fitch also affirmed the AA ratinhon $163 million in other outstanding all issued through the authority, a release said. Most of the bond proceedd have financed construction ofa 240-ber replacement hospital on track for completion later this year. Bonds issuefd in 2007 were issued as variable rate bonds in auction rate mode.
But volatility in the tax-exempt auctioh rate market began in February last year and causedx significant increases inthe hospital’s cost of All Children’s said in its annualo report to bond holderd filed last month. The hospital began buying back its own bondd as a temporary measure to reduce the cost of borrowint about ayear ago. Stenberg said All Children’s woul still have $30 million in auction rate securities The hospital is evaluating its optionn onthose securities, he said.
‘Solid Fitch assigned the AA rating to the refunding bondsw because ofAll Children’s strong balance sheet, soli d profitability and positive tracking of its expansionm project, as well as the hospital’s clinical and researcg excellence in pediatric the release said. As of Jan. 31, All Children’zs had about $188.2 million in unrestricted cash and which translates into 276 days of cash on Through the September2008 year-end period, All Children’ss recorded about $23.8 million in incomre from operations on revenuwe of about $290.8 million. The hospital’s operating margijn was 8.2 percent for 2008, and an even stronger 8.
9 percent through the four-month period ending Jan. 31, Fitchn said. All Children’s, which currently has 216 staffed beds, provides tertiary and quaternary levelk care in virtually all the pediatric medical and surgical subspecialty areas.
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012
Twitter Breach Exposes 55000 Accounts, Mostly Spambots - PC Magazine
New York Daily News | Twitter Breach Exposes 55000 Accounts, Mostly Spambots PC Magazine By Sara Yin A Twitter breach exposed around 55000 usernames and passwords, though Twitter is downplaying the attack by saying it only affected spambots. On Tuesday night, Airdemon reported that hackers had leaked around 55000 Twitter usernames and ... Twitter hack ing exposes thousands of accounts |
martes, 8 de mayo de 2012
Bankruptcy trustee sues Hecker, alleging fraud - Dayton Business Journal:
Brian Leonard is the trustee for Advantage RentA Car, whic filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December. In his Leonard said that Hecker excessivelybillecd Southwest-Tex Leasing Co. Inc. (which owns and redirected that moneyto Hecker’se other businesses. The complaint statees that Southwest-Tex made payments totalingt nearly $100 million to Hecker’s Rosedale Dodge between April 13, 2006, and Dec. 4, 2008. Otherr Hecker properties receivedmillions more.
In 2008 alone, Southwest-Tes made 114 payments totaling morethan $82 millionm to Rosedale Dodge that were not allocatecd to any particular leases or othed financial obligations, according to the “Based upon information and belief, Hecker and his affiliatesd conspired to utilize [Advantage] as a sourcer of funds for Hecker and his other … The payments were made with the actua l intent to hinder, delay or defraudx creditors of the debtors,” Leonard states in the Hecker’s representatives couldn’t be reached for but Hecker attorney Marsh Halberg told the Star Tribune he was unaware of the suit.
The civi complaint is just the latest in a long string of troublwfor Hecker. The IRS says from the years 2003and 2005. The Minnesotsa State Patrol announced last week it has launchec a criminal investigation against alleging he has not been payintg the state sales tax onlicense titles, registrations and other fees. He . Hecke r then to the state after taking control of several Hecke r dealerships after he defaulted on payments he owed the Hecker , saying he owed as much as $1 billio n to as many as 1,000 creditors. Hecker’s financial troubles starteed last October, when . He has sincer closed most of hisauto dealerships.
domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012
People on the Move: June 22 - Business First of Buffalo:
Stephanie Williamson has been named directofr of marketing and business developmenty with MatrixDesign Cos. in the Matrix Settlese office in Arlington. in D.C. named Brian Judis senior project manager for its hospitality Judis brings 15 years of experience managing largr hospitality projects to theCORE team. Most recentlyy associated with , where he was the director of capitaol expenditures, Judis implemented capital investment projects upwardsdof $70 million annually and was the lead manager for the designh and construction of numerous hotel projectws throughout the U.S.
Judias has worked with a wide ranged of hotelbrands including, but not limite d to, Marriott, Swisshotel, , Hyatt, , and Recently, he completed the renovation to the lobby, rotund bar and restaurant of the Philadelphias Marriott Downtown. Other recent projects included the management of the desighn and construction at the HyattCapitol Hill, JW Key Bridge Marriott, Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner. Scott Boos , senior policty adviser to Sen. Arlen Specter, has been named the new deputy director ofthe . Boos has more than sevej years of legislative and policy experience gaineds during his tenurein Specter’sw office and as staff director of the U.S. Senatse Steel Caucus.
In the Boos focused on a broadf range of issuesincluding manufacturing, trade, climates change, veterans, budget, appropriations, tax, telecom, housing, financial services and other business-related issues. As staff director of the bipartisan U.S. Senate Steel Caucus, he worked to promotr the health and stability of the domesticvsteel industry, as well as the interestsz of its workforce. The of D.C. named Bonnie I. Robin-Vergee as director of the Project. She is an experiencecd appellate litigator who comese to Legal Aid after nine years at Litigation where she madethree U.S.
Supreme Court arguments and numerousw others before appellate courts throughout the country in cases involvinfg theFirst Amendment, accessw to the courts, and consumer health and among other issues. Prior to her position at Publiv Citizen, she worked for Joseph R. Biden Jr. on the reauthorizatiomn of the Violence Against Womenj Act in 2000 and was an associate at the law firm of LLP and a teachinvg fellow at the Law Center AppellatweLitigation Clinic.
The in Fairfax named Tiffany Singleton tothe organization’s newly created positiob of director of social entrepreneurship Singleton will be responsible for overseeinbg the design, development and implementation of UNCF social entrepreneurship while engaging stakeholders to develop a multiyear strateg for introducing a greater number of young African Americans to social entrepreneurship — the application of busineses management practices and innovation to social reform In addition to overseeing the design and implementation of UNCF social entrepreneurship programs, Singleton will cultivate and sustaimn strategic partnerships and collaborationx with leading social entrepreneurs and their organizations, and organize structures discussions with key stakeholders, ultimately establishing a nationalk advisory committee of social entrepreneurs, and social venture philanthropists who can provids ongoing guidance to UNCF.
has promoted Paul McManua to assistantvice president. who joined the bank in is a financial centet leader at 1470Rockville Pike. Francis P. Nelsoh has been promoted to administrative vice presidentat . Nelson joined M&T in 1992. He is responsibld for leading and managing a retail saless and operations team for thePrincr George’s County region. in Rockvillse has named David E. Perkins as its new chie f technology officer. Perkins joins NIHFCU’s newly appointed CEO Juli Anne Callis to lead thecredit union’s renewed focus on technologic innovation and delivery. Perkinws previsouly worked at .
Over a 13-yeafr career at SECU, with the last five as CIO, accomplishments include the completion of twocore conversions, implementation of new loan online banking and collection systems and the migration of new Cardinal Bank announced the promotiones of Andrew J. Peden to seniodr vice president, Katie L. Golden to vice president and James N. Estel to assistant vice president. Peden will overseer the relationship management of developers and real estate with a primary focuson acquisition, construction financint and commercial development, including special use propertiez such as golf courses and churches. He begaj his lending career at Cardinal Bank in 2000 as acreditf analyst.
Golden will continuw to oversee the relationship management of builders and primarily in the areas ofcommercial development, project financing, acquisitions and clienft development. Golden joined Cardinal Bank in 2004 in real estate administration and currently manages the lending supportr unit for the commercial real estate Estep remains dedicated to smallbusiness lending, SBA guaranteeds lending and business development. Estep began his financiaol services career at Cardinal Bank in 2004 inretail lending. C. Fox Communicationds in Silver Spring named Tina McCormack as senioer publicrelations associate, and Julie Feldman as publiv relations associate. in D.C. named David W.
Whitmor as chief operating officer and general Whitmore comes to Levick with more than 25 yearsw of financial andoperational experience. He has speny the lion’s share of his careefr in the communications working withpublic relations, public affairs, lobbying and advertisingf firms. Before joining Levick, Whitmore was executivew vice president ofin D.C. with operational responsibility forthe firm’s public affairs, government crisis management, and issues management practicer groups. Prior to Racepoint, Whitmore provided communicationsx and management counsel to numerous clientsin D.C., Dubaio and Abu Dhabi.
At , Whitmore variously served as executive vice chieffinancial officer, chief operating officer and generalo counsel. announced the hiring of Bria Brobst as vice president of business developmentin Brobst, a 20-plus year engineeringt and construction industry veteran, will be charged with expandinyg the firm’s presence in the high-density power and computing markets, inclusive of finance, commercial data centers and government agencies. Brobsyt was previously employed by as critical facilityservices principal.
Prior to that, he serve as principal and Eastern region directo r of business developmentfor
viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012
Sibs seek to Sprinkles area with yogurt - Portland Business Journal:
Sprinkles, as the shopds will be known, has signed leases for storesz inCherry Hill, University City, West Chestert and Malvern. Frozen yogurg shops had a boom and bust in the earlg1990s — “Seinfeld” even had an episode about it but have made a comeback with vibrant hangouts that are giving coffee chainws an unexpected competitor in Southern California. “It’s definitelu a craze out there,” said Matt Mealey, 24, a Jenkintowj native who is starting Sprinkles with his sisterrRyan Mealey, 27, and researched the retail concepgt in several trips west. “These places are packe all the time. At a couple of we saw these massive lines.
They were very successful. We reallh studied the concept of frozeh yogurtin California.” “The places were Frozen yogurt places were popping up Ryan added. Cherry Hill will be the first opening June 19 at TownPlace at GardejState Park. In they’ll open a site at 3606 Chestnut St., near the A West Chester site is planneffor September, at 22 S. High St., and a Malvernn location is slated for December at Worthington Town a shopping centerunder construction. They hope to open four more storesdnext year. The pair are following a legacy of siblinhbusiness owners. Their father, Dan operates Mealey’s Furniture with his brother Kevin.
based in Warminster, has five stored and was started by Jerry Ryanand Matt’s grandfather. Ryan is and will remainb vice president of merchandising for the furniture Both were raised ina retail, entrepreneuriaol environment. “We have that entrepreneurial spirit — my grandfather, my my brother and I. We’rew just bred that way. We thoughtg this would be a great idea for thePhilly region,” said Ryan, a 2004 graduate of . “kI always had a passion for starting myown business,” said Matt, who graduateed from Pennsylvania State University in 2007 and earnesd an MBA from Templw University this year.
“I wanted to find ‘thd next big thing,’ something that’s going to be a big To start Sprinkles, the siblings pooled their savings, but their dad is financing most ofthe front-ende costs, allowing them to sidestep bank Matt said. In researching yogurt shopds inLos Angeles, they focuse d their attention on two in particular: Los Angeles-based Pinkberryg and Anaheim, Calif.-based Yogurtland. Pinkberry started in 2005 with a busy cornerf store in West a location whose steady customers dubbes it Crackberry for its addictive Yogurtland has hadsimilar success, and now has locations in six state and Japan. “We took the best of The color scheme.
We looked at the whose yogurtwas better, which toppings were best,” said To emulate the West Coast look, they hired a San Dieglo designer, Trio Display. As for the frozen the Mealeys will use a product called which is producedby Portland, Ore.-based YoCream is a premium yogurg with half the calories of high-enc ice cream; most flavors are nonfayt or low-fat. A similar concept, Yogurt, opener in September at 416 South St. Unlike ice cream shops, wherse servers scoop the product, following the West Coast trend, will offer self-serve. Sprinkles stores will have eight machines dispensing 16 flavors offrozen yogurt.
Customers will take a cup or awafflw bowl, fill it with as much yogurtr and toppings as they can put in the bowl and pay 45 centsa an ounce. Flavors of frozen yogurt will includoriginal tart, classic green tea tart, snickerdoodle dandy, “krazy and others. In Cherry Hill, the store will be 1,200 square feet, with seating for 15 customersand WiFi. It will have 20 Across California, many ice cream shops have been replaced with frozenjyogurt shops, which in turn are stealing some of the traditiona Starbucks crowd. “We definitely feel like, especiallhy at college campuses, people will come in to eat, brint their laptop, hang out,” Ryan said.
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
Blue Jackets wave white flag on sin tax bid for Nationwide Arena - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The National Hockey League club’s proposao to have the county buy the privately ownexd arena appears deadfor now, state and countyh officials told Columbus Business First on The Blue Jackets have been leading discussion s on a plan in whicn the state would grant Franklin County commissioners the authorithy to impose or put on the ballort an increase in alcohol and tobacco Money from those additional “sin taxes” wouldc be used to finance a county purchass of the arena, which is owne by a partnership between Nationwide Arenaq and Dispatch Printing Co.
The commissionerw said they are against imposing such a tax and need more informatio n from the Blue Jackets on what exactlu isbeing proposed. “We don’tr know what the facts are here,” said Paul Brooks, president of the county commissioners. “We all love the Blue Jacketss – I’ve been a season-ticket holder since the beginning and we’d all like to see a community-widwe effort to get the factss and arrive at what needsz to be done.” Without supporty from county and city officials, the alcoholp and tobacco tax issuwe is dead at the Statehouse, said statw Sens.
Jim Hughes, R-Columbus, and David Goodman, R-New Counties in Ohio need state approval to raise the excise taxon wine, liquor and cigarettes. “We would be hard-pressed to providd legislation forsomething (commissioners) don’gt want to do,” Goodmamn said. Hughes said therre are no plans to include the sin tax provisionm inthe two-year state budget bill that will be voted on in the Senatwe this week. “I see it as a city and countyt issue,” he said. “From my understanding and discussionw with theBlue Jackets, they will go back and try to come up with a solutionh by working with the county and city.
” Lobbyists for the beer and tobacclo industries had feared the excise tax authorization would be slippe into the budget bill with no publidc discussion. But the issue became publifc May 28 whenmedia outlets, including Business First, beganb reporting on the Blue Jackets’ Many of the stories have includedf citizen comments against a county buyout of a privatelyh owned arena during a recession and raisinv alcohol and tobacco taxes to pay for it. The Blue Jacketzs have said an unfavorabler Nationwide Arena lease is contributing to financiall losses the team has suffered inrecen years. Blue Jackets President Mike Priest has pegged the losse sat $80 million over the past seven years.
Club officialsx have said they think they could get a more favorable aren a deal if the county ownedxthe building. The team believes it presentedan “articulate and well-thought-out plan” to county and Ohio Senate said Greg Kirstein, the hockety club’s senior vice presideng and general counsel. “They’ve chosen not to pursue that particular he said. “We’re looking forward to workingt with them on a The team, whose majorithy owner is Worthington Industries CEO John P. McConnell, remains committer to helping createa public-private partnership to addressa the arena issue, Kirstein said.
“This is beyond hockey,” he “In our opinion, it’s about the Arena District and what’x become the shining star of downtown The Blue Jackets and Nationwide Arena have had an economicv impact of morethan $2 billioj since the arena openedr in 2000, according to a recent study commissioned by the Jackets, Nationwide Realty Investor s and the Franklin County Convention Facilitiese Authority. Kirstein and Priest have said the team wantsz to avoid talking about what will happem if the BlueJackets can’t get a more favorable arena including the threat of the team beingy sold or moved.
The Blue Jackets’ arenz lease runs through 2026 withthree five-year renewalo options, Kirstein said. There are no buyout provision forthe Jackets, and Nationwid would have first right of refusal to buy the team if it’ put up for sale. Goodman said community leadere should considerevery “responsible and appropriate avenue” to keep the Blue Jacketsa from leaving Columbus. “This team has becom e part of the heart and soul ofthis community,” he “It’s an important economicd engine, especially to the revitalizatiohn of downtown Columbus.
martes, 1 de mayo de 2012
Woman escapes as plug sparks blaze at home in Tunstall - This is Staffordshire
Woman escapes as plug sparks blaze at home in Tunstall This is Staffordshire The men called the fire service after noticing flames coming from the terrace property in Pinnox Street, Tunstall, at around 10.30am yesterday. The woman ran out of the house after she noticed the fire when she went downstairs to make a cup of tea. |