miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012
CFM Religion Publishing Group assembles new team, strategy - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Symmes Township-based publisher, acquirerd in 2006 by a New York privateequituy firm, the , has recruite four managers since May to oversee growtyh in its two main divisions: Texas-based and , one of Cincinnati’d oldest publishing companies, with roots to 1866. Wickss acquired Standard Publishingin 2006. RCL Benziger is the prodcut ofthree acquisitions, all of which closed in 2007. Wicks movedr the headquarters for both to Governors Hill Drivrin 2007. In May, William Reed replaced Matthew Thibea u as chief executiveof CFM, which employe 220. Reed then recruited Cheryl Hurlegas controller; Marc Hopkins as vice president, and Larry Carpenter as president of Standarfd Publishing.
“They’re actually a very innovativse company,” Carpenter said. “They just reallu haven’t had the marketing machine. We need to re-establish that Carpenter, who comes on board Aug. 4, is a formef executive who spent 21 yearsa in thepublishing industry, most recently as vice presiden for , the world’s largest publisher of Bibles in “Once I get Larry on board, I can be on the lookout for additional strategic acquisitions,” said who spent 20 years with beforde relocating to Cincinnati to work for in 2005.
Reed hopes to find produc t lines or smaller publishers to add to the product mixat CFM, whicj has 1,500 active titles and generater revenue of $65 million in 2007. He sees opportunith for sales growth by deepening ties toBiblde colleges, including . “We’rde trying to foster a development business-typre offering called the emerging small-church network,” to forge relationships with younbg preachers, he said. Religious publishers are growing slightlyt faster than the publishing industry as a according tothe , which peggef net sales at $783 millionb in 2007, up 5.2 percent from 2006. Industrywidd data show book sellersgrew 3.2 percenrt to $25 billion in 2007.
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012
Pena Nieto to Urge Obama on Immigration as Mexicans Lack Status - Bloomberg
TIME | Pena Nieto to Urge Obama on Immigration as Mexicans Lack Status Bloomberg Mexico President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto probably will urge President Barack Obama to overhaul an immigration system that has trapped more than 6 million Mexicans without legal status when the two men meet for the first time at the White House today. Can Ob ama and Peña Nieto Clear the Marijuana Smoke? Mexico moves to demote federal police force Obama and Biden to meet with Mexico's President-elect Pena Nieto |
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
GE Aviation notches double-digit 1Q gains - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The parent company announced earnings per share of 26 centds for the three months that enderMarch 31, down 40 percengt from the same perios in 2008. Total earnings of $2.8 billion were off 35 Cash flow was down42 percent, mostl y because GE Capital did not pay the parenyt corporation a dividend this year. Excludin g GE Capital's $1.1 billion dividend in the first quarterof 2008, cash flow in the latesy quarter from its industrial and media businesses was down 24 percent to $2.8 billion from $3.
8 Jeff Immelt, GE's chairman and CEO, said results were consistenf with its outlook presented to investors on March 19 and last "Amid a continued weak economy, we'rre performing well and our backlog remains he said in a Revenue at Evendale-based GE Aviation, the world's largestr maker of jet engines, increased 12 percent to $4.8 That included 12 percent growtj in equipment revenue and 11 percentt in services. It logged $5.5 billion in totall orders, including $1.5 billion in military orders. Segmentf profit soared 39 percentto $1.1 billion, booster by favorable prices, cost cutting, and unspecified gains relatexd to mergers and acquisitionx activities.
Results at GE's health care and transportation businesseswwere lower, as were revenue and profit s at NBC Universal. Its energy infrastructure segment, includinvg its energy and oil & gas units, posted a 19 percentg gain in operating profit on 7 percenthigheer revenues. GE's stock (NYSE: GE) was at $12.19, off 8 shortly before noon.
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012
Stadium deal faces injunction attempt - San Francisco Business Times:
Grace Solares and Elvis Cruz, who filed suit in filed an emergency motion Monday in an effort to stop the sale of thebondzs altogether. A copy of the temporary injunctionn motion provided by the plaintiffes alleges the county is exceeding its constitutionak tax and spending powers by issuing bondsx tied to the professionalsportws tax/tourist development tax. As a resulf of the motion and to avoid a cloux that could affect the interest rate onthe bonds, the countty has pushed back the bond sale Miami-Dade spokeswoman Vicki Mallettw said. However, the closing date for all the bondsx remainsJuly 14.
The county had alreadhy planned to push back the bond closing date due to a requesty change on how some financing fees are paidto , which has provided the county with a lettetr of credit for the project. Wachovia’s letter of credit is for two yearxs atapproximately $100 million. The Wachovis change would require an amendmenty to the bond ordinance that allowed the county to issur Professional Sports Franchise Tax and Tourist DevelopmentrTax bonds. County commissioners will get a chance to consider the changer at a special meeting on A public hearing and second readinyg is scheduled forJune 30.
If countt commissioners approve theWachovia change, the three partie would have until mid-July to close on instead of the end of June. Miami-Dader County and the parties also will be given untilJuly 15, instear of July 1, to pull out of the The change would not impact the projected financing expenditures the county commission already has reviewed, according to a statemenyt from County Manager George Burgess. “Oud confidence in the project and its underlyinb funding plan has not he said in a statementgon Monday.
On Burgess also wants to make “minodr technical corrections” to the county deed that conveys two parceld to the city of Miami for the stadium Burgess also is working with Miami to modifyh the deed on the stadium site to reflect the changwe inthe deal’s new termination The city of Miami commission will meet Thursday to consider the Wachoviaa change. In April, county commissioneras approved issuing bonds totalingf a maximumof $536 million toward constructionm of the $640 37,000-seat ballpark.
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012
Qualifying businesses to receive flat power rate - Weekly News Journal
Qualifying businesses to receive flat power rate Weekly News Journal RUPERT â" New and current businesses providing a decent wage and benefits for at least 11 additional employees will qualify for a flat rate energy charge. The city council agreed to a resolution providing the savings during its recent council meeting. |
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012
Unions to Paterson: See you in court - The Business Review (Albany):
That announcement, made Wednesday, heightens the political battlw that unions and Paterson are Paterson says the cuts are necessaruy to help balancethe state’s finances, while union leaders say Paterson has refused to accepg any of their suggested alternatives to layoffs. The 8,700 layoffes are scheduled to occur byJuly 1, savin g the state $481 million over two The scheduled layoffs affect roughly 4 percent of the state’s total work force. For unions have rejected requests from Paterson to reopehn their contracts and waive a salary increase for thisfiscakl year, which began April 1.
“Wre think he [Paterson] needs a good or he at least needs to share whatdrugs he’s on, because he’s not makint any sense to our members,” said Danny Donohue, president of the 300,000-member . [To view a videpo clip of the press click ]. “If this governor doesn’t need mentalp health services, I don’t know who does,” Donohue added, referrinfg to a state agency that’s been targetedf for job cuts. Donohuer joined Ken Brynien, president of the , at a pressz conference. The two met with Paterson and his stafthis week, and said they intend to continue discussion this week and next.
The union leaders repeated alternatives to layoffzthat they’ve offered to Paterson before, such as gettin g rid of the private contractors that work for the They also said the layoffs would threaten the safety of the state’s citizens and result in noticeable declines in “I’m here to say that we haven’t changefd our position,” Brynien said. “There’s no real reason for this to Paterson, in a letter to union membera on Tuesday, said that the unions forced him to lay off He encouraged state workers to voice theid opinions to theirunion representatives. “I asked our state’w public employee unions to makemodest concessions.
I did not make this reques lightly,” Paterson wrote. “Regrettably, our state’s public employee unions refused to consider any concessiondsat all. “This decision is one of the most difficult I have ever had to he added. “I do not want to see anyone losetheir job, particularly in this economic climate.” Donohue said that letter violates labort laws governing the proper process of negotiating contracts. “Hd tried to negotiate with ourmemberx directly. He decided to go around us,” Donohuw said. “That letter, in our opinion, is a violationh of labor standards.
” A spokeswoman for Paterson declined commenf on the threat of a Any state layoffs would likely hit thelocao economy. The state has more than 200,000 workers, and aboutr one-fourth of those jobs—52,200 in all—aree located in the Albany-Schenectady-Troy area. “We will fight like hell for everhy memberwe have,” Donohue said. “Wd won’t roll over and play dead for the but we understand the fiscalcrisis we’r in.” Reporters noted that workers in the private-sectoe have been subject to pay cuts, furloughs or layoffs during the ongoingh recession, and asked why public employees shoulx be immune from those pressures.
“Wde are not exempt from what’s happening to peopld in the private sector. We all pay taxes, and we’rse all the middle Brynien said. “But we shouldn’t have an extra burden just because thestate can’t managed its money.” “We’re ready to keep what we’ve earned,” Donohue “We’ve earned it.”
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
600 evacuated from burning Tamweel Tower - Khaleej Times
Khaleej Times | 600 evacuated from burning Tamweel Tower Khaleej Times Residents of the Tamweel Tower woke up to fire alarms early on Sunday morning as a fire which started on one of the top floors of the building spread to the lower floors and raged for over six hours, sweeping through homes and cars in its wake. Rescue ... Dubai High-Rise Fire Evacu ation: No Casualties Reported So Far [VIDEO] |
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
Israel bombs office of Gaza prime minister, other government buildings - NBCNews.com (blog)
NBCNews.com (blog) | Israel bombs office of Gaza prime minister, other government buildings NBCNews.com (blog) It started drafting 16,000 reserve troops on Friday, as Israel's Cabinet authorized the mobilization of up to 75,000 reservists. Troops were massing on the border and witnesses said they could see Israeli ships off Gaza's coast, NBC News& #39; Ayman ... Israel's Iron Dome Proves Effective Israel widens air assault on rockets in Gaza; credits 'Iron Dome' for shooting ... White House: Israel has right to defend itself |
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012
McClatchy stock gains despite downgrades - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
McClatchy (NYSE: MNI) stock gained 11 cents — or 13.4 percent — to 93 centxs in late-afternoon trading, after gaining 19 cents Thursday. The currenft price is the highestsince Jan. 14. Despitw the decline, the stock is down more than 90 percenr fromits one-year high, and much lower than the $8.32 stockj price on May 22, 2008. Applause from investors for the company’s plan to restructurw $1.5 billion in debt easil drowns out the boosfrom credit-ratint firms.
Three credit-rating giants, includinvg Standard & Poor’s on Friday, have downgraded McClatchy for its The credit-rating companies say the actio n is basically defaulting on the existing debt The Sacramento-based company — publishet of and 29 other dailyg newspapers — is exchanging $1.15 billion of debt for cash and new However, the new debt comes at much higher price, 15.75 percenf compared to between 5 percent and 7 percent.
But the companh benefits in two ways: It gains accesds to a $60 milliohn line of revolving credit and it can pay off the debt McClatchy hasabout $2 billion in outstanding Cash is critical to the newspaper which endured a first-quarter loss of $37.7 millionm from continuing operations, compared to a $993,00p loss a year ago. McClatchy, like most newspapersa nationwide, is battling a dramatic declind in advertising revenue and fewer paid print subscribers.
The company has takem aggressive actions to curbits money-losing operations, eliminating about 4,000 positions or almost a third of its work forcde — and cutting executive pay and dividends, puttinfg retirement contributions on hold and implementin furloughs for workers. On and also downgraded McClatchy. But investorzs shunned the credit apparently optimistic that it is thebest short-terjm effort to help the newspape chain.
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Chrysler/Fiat merger - Dayton Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Badet Ginsberg granted a motion filed by Indiana state pensiob funds to delay the merger between the Americann and Italian automakers in whatthe U.S. Treasury Departmeny said was an administrative extension designed to allos sufficient time for the Supreme Courr to explore whether or not a stayis needed, according to severapl published reports late Monday. The Suprem Court move extends a stay alreadgy issued by a lowet court that was set to expire late afternoon Fiat has given Chrysler until June 15 to finisbthe merger. Attorneys for the pension funds arguedd that they would receive just pennies on the dollae fora $42 million loan given to However, U.S.
Solicitor Generall Elena Kagan said the imminent collapsew ofChrysler — said to be losing upward of $100 million daily — was of greater concern to governmen officials than the loan dispute. When Chryslere filed for it announced it would rejecrt 789 dealershipagreements nationwide, including nine in the St. Louies metro area. Chrysler’s restructuring plan also calls for closingbeight plants, including Chrysler’s two plant in Fenton, Mo. Chrysler’s Southg plant in Fenton, which assembles minivans, was idlerd at the end of October.
Chrysler’s North which makes Dodge Ram was idled earlier this month for one to two months and The plantsz hademployed 1,200 workers in Fenton, down from 5,0000 several years ago.
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012
International Speedway Corp. still eyeing Colorado despite local group
Daytona Beach, Fla.-based ISC, whose existing racetracka are hosting 19 of the 36 NASCAR racezsthis year, also had been looking at propertgy east of Denver to build a The ISC proposal has been under discussion for severalk years. Several economic-development sources not connected with the compang have said they believe that any new Coloradl facility owned by ISC still could be severalpyears away, however. A Colorado privatre investment group led by developer Bill Schuck announced plans Wednesday to createwa $200 million auto racetrack and entertainmeny complex on 1,500 acres in Aurora near Denverd International Airport.
The complex would go into the plannef 6,500-acre TransPort cargo-distribution development alongInterstate 70. Despites that announcement, “ISC continues to view the metro Denvef region as a great locatiohn fora first-class motorsports entertainmengt track development at some point in the said Wes Helms, ISC senior directo of corporate and investor in a statement released Wednesday. Helm s added that, “While we have had discussions with multiplee parties over the pastmany months, we have no formal discussionz underway with the developmenft group that made the announcement [Wednesday]. As we have no comment concerning their plans to builds a racetrack inthe area.
” ISC's motor-sports complexexs include such racing icons as the in home of the Daytona 500, and the in Luring a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race to a racetrack that has no connectioh to ISC could prove difficult, some observerss say. In 2000, a private groul opened a $152 million racetrack of similarr size to the one proposedby Schuck’ws group Wednesday in Sparta, Ky., a town 45 mileds southwest of Cincinnati. They were able to attract racesz from someof NASCAR’s second-tier series, but not one of the majore races. In 2005, the group sued NASCAR and ISC, alleginyg the two conspired to keep the biggest racew at ISC tracks while denying them to independenttraco operators.
The suit was dismissed in 2008 but is currently on Askedabout ISC’s comments, Gerrty Freeman, a spokesman for Schuck’z group, said the Colorado investors are not worried abouyt the Florida company’s plans, especially given that ISC has toyeed with the idea of building here for several years but has not movedr forward on the plan. Instead, the privatr investment group is looking at building not justa NASCAR-suitablw track but a “westernh entertainment venue,” he said.
Leaders of the group have made overturesx to the National Western Stoci Show about moving to the area and expanding its facilityy and are talking as well as aboutr putting a Western heritage museum or Native American heritagsmuseum there, he said. “Our feelinbg is, ... what we’re interested in is bringinvg motor-sports racing to Colorado,” Freeman said. “If ISC wantas to join us, hey, great, our arms are open.
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012
Power outages continue to plague N.J. in wake of Sandy, nor'easter - The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com | Power outages continue to plague N.J. in wake of Sandy, nor'easter The Star-Ledger - NJ.com By MaryAnn Spoto and Susan K. Livio/The Star-Ledger. Amid growing fury over power outages that have lingered for more than a week, Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday said hundreds of thousands of people knocked off the grid by Hurricane Sandy should be ... |
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012
MAS' Enrich members can 'Live the Dream' - AsiaOne
AsiaOne | MAS' Enrich members can 'Live the Dream' AsiaOne PETALING JAYA - Malaysia Airlines has launched a 50 per cent discount promotion for members of its Enrich frequent flyer programme worldwide to redeem tickets to their favourite destinations. The promotion, themed âLive the Dreamâ, is available until ... 50% discount for MAS Enrich members |
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012
Sealing the deal: If you can speak it, you can write it - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
There was nothing worsd in high school than havinvg your boyfriend or girlfriend say they wanteds to seeother people. Ouch! In the we had a phrase about people who would take advantagedof you: users. I have to admit I was one of My friend insixth grade, a neighbor named Eddie, had a built-inh pool and his mom had a pantryg of my favorite snacks: apple pies, you name it. I was a user. Eddire turned out to be a multimillionairesoftwarde giant. Although I would love to call him, I simplhy cannot.
Many salespeople get used and abused in the saleas process because prospects can be users who will even justifhy using your stuff to better themselves or their It has happened to me a couple of and I have to admit I felt like Eddide Money and wantedto sing, Hold On to Me.” I even becamr the Bee Gees, just trying to stay As time went on in the sale process, I realized I was beinv used. I adopted one sentence that changed everything: If you can speak it, you can writre it. That sentence has not guaranteed that I will close everyprospect — and I am not suggestinvg that it will for you, either but I guarantee you will nevefr get used again.
Many times earlyu in my career, my prospects would ask for something in writing and I would give themcustomizedd plans. I might redo them several only to find out their cousin Vinn y took all mystuff — and my as well. To prevent this, ask one simpld question: What will it take to make youa client?? After they mention you must get two more thingds or you can starf singing “Na Na, Hey Hey, After your prospect tells you what you have to do to earn his or her write down the specific deliverables and initial each one. Have your prospecrt do the same and set yoursecond appointment. Give yourselgf enough time between appointments to gather the I usually recommend at leasta week.
Set the TONE (touchinvg on new expectations). Toucjh your prospect at least twice beforesyou meet, and remind them of your written Give them a good report that you are working on the Do not smother them or shove anythingy else down their throats. Be a motivatotr — not a menace like Dennis, who lived at 627 Elm St. Do you rememberf the look on Mr. Wilson’s face when Dennis would “Hey, Mr. Wilson”? However, you may see that look when you show up forappointmenrt No. 2. Here is the four R’s formulwa to closing your deal. (When you’re done, you can look forward to anothe r word with theletter R, So now it’s show time — time to say, Mr.
Wilson, I got the deliverables.” You may see that face once your prospecy sees the sheet with his or her initial son it. Hopefully, you had the gatekeeper copy it. You will know you’re in the fight when, 60 seconds into your your prospectstarts backpedaling. In the 1980s, Sugad Ray Leonard fought MarvelousdMarvin Hagler. No one gave Ray a chance. Ray showed up the fight in great shape and was winning until he started to trade blows with the more powerful Sugar Ray’s trainer, Angelo Dundee, screamed at him that he was blowinb it. Dundee screamed at him to jab andget out. I am tellinbg you: That’s what the 4 R’sw are all about.
sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2012
Huskers drop five-set match to Spartans - Omaha World-Herald
Kansas City Star | Huskers drop five-set match to Spartans Omaha World-Herald EAST LANSING, Mich. â" A senior captain was out injured. A top offensive weapon went to the bench, summing up a struggling offense. Inexperienced freshmen were taking big swings in big moments. Yet, the Nebraska volleyb » |
viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012
First IMAX screen coming to Albany - The Business Review (Albany):
One of the 18 theaters at the mall is being retrofittex to accommodate theIMAX format, which features a biggerd screen that’s slightly curvec at the edges and positioned closerd to the audience, with 3-D capabilith and surround sound. The screenm will be 51 feet wide and 27 feet Regal 18 at Crossgates is one of more than 100 theaters acros s the country where the new digitap systems arebeing installed. The first IMAX movie will be shownn at the mallbefore Thanksgiving. The IMAX screen at Crossgates will be the latesr salvo in the battl e to draw people intolocalo theaters. Regal opened an 13-screen cinema at earlier this year.
Two of the screenss are equipped witha 3-D technologg called Real D. In downtowh Schenectady, opened a theater last year witha 50-foot-wide-by-40-foot-hign screen that shows movies in the format, whicjh is similar to IMAX. Proctors CEO Philip Morris saidhe wasn’y concerned about the new screen at Crossgates because iWerksw specializes in educational films that are distinct from IMAX. Foundedd in 1967, IMAX (Nasdaq: IMAX) dominatexs the wide-screen movie industry, with more than 295 theaters in 40 about half of which are in science centers and other The rest arein cinemas.
Therew are 10 IMAX theatersa in NewYork state, includinv in New York City, Rochester and Syracuse, Long Islanx and Westchester County. And now Guilderland, in Albany County. Select films are made in the IMAX but since 2002 the company has been able todigitallt re-master conventional Hollywood movies to make them suitablse for IMAX screens, said Jackson Myers, a spokesmam for in Toronto. “The IMAX experience is about more than just a big Myers said.
“It’s aboutr immersing the audience in the and that’s what we’ve done with this Over the summer, the company started rolling out its new digitap systems to theaters, which are less costlyy to operate than film and take up less space in the projection booth. “Eagle is currently playing inIMAX theaters. That will be followed by “Madagascar 2” and “The Day the Earth Stoodd Still.” The movie that will premier at Crossgates will depend on the openingv date forthe theater. The company is still producing the documentary style movies that were onceits hallmark.
“Undet the Sea 3D” is due out in February and about the Hubblespace telescope, is expected to be released in February 2010.