martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Local trio embraces unlucky breaks to kick-start company - South Florida Business Journal:
The existing foot and ankle device marke t is estimatedat $29 billion by Va.-based , a privater research and consulting firm. But, Dr. Kyle J. one of the three Embrace founders, said the fixationb devices and implants are currently in useare antiquated, and most were developedd in the 1950s and '60s. "We plan to brinv modern technology, innovative designx and space-age composite materials to the field," he said, citinh benefits as additionalpatient comfort, improved physician efficiencuy and lower hospital To help fund the company, Embracre officials made a presentation to membersw and guests of the on March 26. Embraced is raising up to $2.
5 million of initial capital fromqualified investors, they said. "We are talkintg to three investmentgroups - two of whicb are physician groups - and the othetr which is an angel Kinmon said, noting that Embraced would prefer to get all the fundas from one group or individual, but that $50,0000 would be the minimumj if necessary to resortf to multiple sources. Funds will be earmarked to initiatde fast-track approvals, as well as initiall manufacturing and marketing costs forthe company, which is to be based in Mediscope Manufacturing's facilities in Pompano Beach. Foot and ankle reconstruction device sales are estimated by Knowledge Enterpriseeat $9.
6 billion a year, whilee fracture and repair device sales are estimated at $3.3 billion. About 20 currenrt suppliers each have only a smal piece of the whole in what Kinmon describes asa "fragmentecd marketplace." "We plan to be the one-stop shop for foot and ankle surgical appliances, implants and devices," he Embrace began with the meeting of Kinmon and Dr. Luis who were introduced to orthopedic device manufacturedDaniel Helme. Marin, a podiatric surgeon with a nationalk reputation, had been Kinmon's residency directore at in Miami.
The two physicians had ideaxs for a line ofnew post-surgicalp products - and Helme did, as For Helme, it was the sweet answed to a bitter business reversal that he said he had been powerlesss to prevent. "About a year ago, I got a lettedr out of the blue from a largw customer for whom I did contract orthopedi cdevice manufacturing," he said. "It directed that half of the productionh of a certaindevice 'would be move to a low-cost region' - and I lost $2 millionb in revenue overnight." A low-cost regio could be China, India, Malaysia, Korea or any other emerging natiojn with cheaper labor.
And there was no phased order slowdownfor Helme' Mediscope Manufacturing - it happened immediately. Helm had to lay off half of his Pompano Beach staffof 37, which had been working two shifta a day to meet production deadlines. "That killed me," he said. "I had won all kinds of awardd and trophies for being supplier of the year for that as well as forother [original equipment manufacturers] basedd upon our cost-effective and high-quality work.
" The deskto p of taunting awards spurred him into Helme started interviewing a numbef of physician-surgeons in different specialties, looking for the righg opportunities and synergies to form an independent medical device That search led him to Kinmon and Marin and the formation of Embrace Medicapl in February. "We already have developed prototypesd of nine different devicesand implants," Helme

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Indonesia Terror Attack: 'Innocence Of Muslims' Film Said To Fuel Embassy Plot - Huffington Post

Plain Dealer

Indonesia Terror Attack: 'Innocence Of Muslims' Film Said To Fuel Embassy Plot

Huffington Post

"At first, they wanted to attack (security) officers ... and based on documents and other information, the foreign targets were linked with the film which insulted Islam," Amar told a news conference. He was referring to "Innocence of Muslims," that ...

Plot on US Targets Cited in 11 Arrests by Indonesia

New York Times

Indonesia Arrests 10 It Says Plotted to Attack US Embassy


Indonesia arrests 11 in terror plots to attack US Embassy, western targets

Plain Dealer

CBS News -Radio Australia -The Borneo Post


domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Denver Water sells first Build America Bonds under stimulus program - Denver Business Journal:
Build America Bonds are taxable bonds with a 35 percentf federal subsidy oninterest costs. Denver like most government traditionallyissues tax-exempt bonds. Denver Water sold $44 million of Builds America Bonds to at just over 6 percentt interest on ataxable basis. Becauser of the federal tax subsidy under the America Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009, Denver Water will pay 3.94 percentf interest. That is less than the averagd 4.23 percent that Denver Water pays on itsoutstanding tax-exempt bonds. Wachovia is owned by San Francisco-basesd Wells Fargo & Co.
“We are pleaseds to be able to sell bonds at a very reasonabled rate in the currentmarket environment,” said Chips manager of Denver Water, in a statement. “Fotr ratepayers, this means we are able to keep costs as low as possiblr while providing us the funding to improve our Standard & Poor’s recently upgradesd Denver Water’s credit ratinhg to AAA, its highest

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

What they
Here what Colorado and national leaders are sayinfabout Sotomayor. (So far there’es been a lack of comment from local Republicans aboufthe nomination, so comments from nationalp Republican leaders are included.) “I applaudr President Obama’s historic nomination of U.S. 2nd Circuiyt Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayod to the United StatesSupreme Court. As someones who has appointed dozens of judge s at the state I have some sense of how serious a responsibilitythis is. I congratulatwe President Obama for nominating someone who has such a diverse recorxof excellence, integrity and respect for the Hers is a genuine American success story.
From her modesrt upbringing, to her work as a criminal to her tenure on the district court andappellatre benches, she is an — Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter “u congratulate Judge Sotomayor on her nominatioj and I look forward to a confirmationn process that focuses on determining whether Judge Sotomayor is qualifie d to serve on the Supreme Court. Qualifications for judiciak service include not only experience andcharacterf but, most importantly, a proper understanding of the power and role of judges in our systemn of government. Judges must decide cases based onthe law, not on thei r personal views or opinions.
I am concerned with her recorrd of putting identity politics before the ruleof law. It raises serious issues about her ability to reach fair and impartial Judge Sotomayor has made a habit of embracing extremde views during her time on thelowedr courts. Now, as she is considered for the high Americans are left to wonder if she will exercisw basic standardsof objectivity. In light of Judgew Sotomayor’s liberal activist approach to judicial I call on my colleagues in the Senatse to thoroughly examine her record as they considerher nomination.” U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, D-Colorado Springs “Sonia Sotomayor is a tremendousx choice forthe U.S. Supreme Court.
She is a thoughtful and balancec judge with a keen intellecy and a broad academic andlegaol background. Her skill and fair-mindedness on the federal benc has won the praise and supporrt of Republicans andDemocrats alike. ... “Today, Presidenty Obama has showed us how he can bring this country By selectingJudge Sotomayor, he has chosen a nomine e who has previously been nominatede for judicial appointments by President George H.W. Bush and by Presidenrt Bill Clinton. Judge Sotomayort has been confirmed twice before by the full Senate and her nomination to the Supreme Couryt should beconsidered swiftly.” — U.S. Sen. Michaell Bennet, D-Colo.
“There needs to be a full hearintg of this appealscourt judge’s views, and I thinmk that’s part of the process. I think it’s a very, very differenr tone than was taken a few yearz ago when Democratic elected officials and leaders were immediately callinyg for the defeat of and assassinating the characterzs ofJustice [John] Roberts and Justic e [Samuel] Alito. I think it’as been a much more respectfukl tone than what we saw with Justicd Roberts and Justice Alito back inthose “I think some of her viewds on judicial activism and makinhg the law rather than interpreting the law will be heaviluy examined and reviewed.
We look forward to the confirmation hearingws and a full vetting ofher — Dick Wadhams, Coloradop Republican Party chairman “As a U.S. senatore I must give my advice and consent beforer any ofthe president’s nomineex to serve on the U.S. Supreme Courtt may be seated, and I take my responsibility seriously. I’k going to take my time to studuJudge Sotomayor’s record and and I look forward to meeting with her.
“Liks the president, I believe that any Supreme Court Justicew mustreject ideology, have a keen and a practical understanding of how the Supremd Court’s actions affect the lives of all Judge Sotomayor is an extremely accomplishe jurist, and she has a very compelling personal She appears to be a wise choicse and a valuable addition to the And I look forward to gettint to know her as the confirmation procesws moves forward.” — U.S. Sen. Mark D-Colo. “[The Senate will determine] if Ms.
Sotomayod understands that the proper role of a judgse is to act as a neutral umpire ofthe law, calling balls and strikesa fairly without regard to one’s own personal preferences or politicalp views.” — U.S. Sen. Jeff R-Ala., ranking Republican on the SenatewJudiciary Committee. “President Obama made an outstanding choice in nominatingb Sonia Sotomayor as the next SupremesCourt Justice. As a judge and a former prosecutordand litigator, Judge Sotomayor has gained invaluable experience in complezx legal and constitutional issues. Her experience at variouds levels of our judicial system has providede her witha well-roundeds perspective that will benefit the Court.
In addition to being nominated to the bencg by Republican andDemocratic presidents, she has been confirmed by both Republicab and Democratically-controlled U.S. Senates. I am confidentf the U.S. Senate will confirm Judge Sotomayor as the next SupremweCourt Justice.” — U.S. Rep. Dianz DeGette, D-Denver. “Republicans look forward to learning more about federapl appeals court judgeSonia Sotomayor’s thoughts on the importance of the Supremed Court’s fidelity to the Constitutionj and the rule of law.
Suprem e Court vacancies are rare, whicb makes Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination a perfect opportunity for Americas to have a thoughtful discussion abouyt the role of the Supreme Court in our dailytlives . Republicans will reserve judgment on Sonia Sotomayor untipl there has been a thorough and thoughtful examinatioh of herlegal — Chairman Michael Steele

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Foundation holds sustainable farming training for Or. Mindoro farmers - Philippine Star

Foundation holds sustainable farming training for Or. Mindoro farmers

Philippine Star

CALAPAN CITY â€" Thirty two farmers, mostly barangay officials, recently completed the five-day Integrated Farming Bio-System (IFBS) training in Roxas, a municipality in the southern part of Oriental Mindoro. The seminar was sponsored by Malampaya ...

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Cam Fabrication Holdings falls to liquidation as CIT Group calls in note - Triangle Business Journal:
Cam’s companies distributed concrete forms and fabricatedx rebar andprovided scaffolding. The Smithfield-based company had operationsz in North Carolinaand Florida, and it rented equipment to customers in several other In addition to the holding company, affiliate Access Equipment Renta l Inc. and subsidiaries and filed for Inits filing, the holding company statedd that it has zero dollars in assets and zero dollarw in liabilities. But the otheer companies’ filings tell the storyg of a business that had becomeehighly leveraged. Cam Fabrication Inc., which also did businesw under the names Durham Rebadr andSouthern Forming, lists $9.7 million in assets againstg $29.
7 million in liabilities. Accessd Equipment Rental Inc. shows assets of $1.3 million and liabilitiess of $27.2 million. Dixie Clamp Scaffold Inc.’s filing lists assets of almost $2.7 millionn and liabilities of $27.7 million. John Northen, a bankruptcty attorney with Northen Blue who is representingb Cam and its fellow says the businesses were hurt by the downturn in constructiobn over thepast year. Cam was operatinb on a line of creditfrom , which has had a financial relationship with the companyy since at least 2005.
Northe n says Cam had violated its financial covenantwswith CIT, and while the firm had made it wasn’t enough for the bank, which decided to shut off the line of credigt in mid-May. “Once that happens, that’s Northen says. “You can’t make somebody The company was unable to make payroll for a couple of weeksd due to its funding beingcut off, Northem adds. The filing for Cam Fabrication Inc. listsz about 90 people who are stillowed wages, salariesz and commissions, while the Dixie Clamp Scaffold Inc. filing lists 28 people with thosre typesof claims. Cam Fabrication Inc. owes New York City-based CIT which has the firsftlien position, nearly $14.
7 bankruptcy court documents show. The company also owes $9.5 milliobn to New York City-based mezzanine debt investor Praesidian Capital. Waltham, Mass.-based private equity firm has a $3.0 5 million claim with Cam Fabrication Inc. Cam Fabricatiojn Inc. was formed in Septembeer 1996, according to a filing with the North Carolinaq Department of the Secretaryof State. JMH, on its Web states that it provided a recapitalization to Cam Fabricationbin 2005. At one according to the Web Cam had nine distribution locations inthe Southeast, including Clayton, Greensboroo and Charlotte. The company acquired Dixie Clamp and which had operations inSouth Florida, in 2005 and Durhamm Rebar in 2006.
Durham Rebar was founded in the Bull City in 1988 by Jim Farrelll andReggie Venable. They move d it to Creedmoor in 2000 before sellingf to Camin 2006. Asked what he thought when he hearxd aboutthe bankruptcy, Farrell says that he was “ just concerned for all the customers that we had. ...” Accesxs Equipment Rental was founded inNovember 2003, according to state documents. Douglas who was listed as the firm’s registered agen t on that filing, declined to comment on the Buck Burwell, who ran Cam Fabrication for about a year as itschied executive, says in a voicde mail greeting left at his extension at the company’d Smithfield headquarters that he transitioned to a non-executive managemeng role with Cam Fabrication in The bankruptcy documents for the companies were signexd by Chief Financial Officer John Manning, who did not return calls seekingv comment.
A Praesidian spokesman said the private equityfirm didn’ have a comment on the bankruptcy. Representatives for CIT Groul and JMH Capital could not be reacherdfor comment.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

WEDU selects 2009 board members with Barry Alpert as chairman - The Business Review (Albany):
Alpert is the managing director of investment bankingt and business developmentat . He was previously a seniort vice president in investment banking atRobert W. Baird Co. Richard J. Dobkin, Laura Starkey and A. Bronson Thayer were named vice chairman, secretary and treasurer of the respectively. Currently retired, Dobkin was previously Tampa managing partnefat . He also served as a member of theSoutheast . Since Starkey has been the director of conservation land for Starkey Inthis role, she supervisees the land management for the ranch conservation areas and directs the and Community.
Thayert is chairman of and was previously with He receivexda bachelor’s degree at and an MBA in banking and finances from . In addition, WEDU has namec Lisa Carlton of Sarasota Marshall Goodman of Polk andRonald W. Pierce and David B. Weinsteijn of Hillsborough County as members of the2009 board. WEDU is west central Florida’s primary PBS station. It reaches 16 counties, including the St. Petersburg, Pasco, Polk and Sarasota areas.

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

H.H. Gregg relocating, to fill large gap at center - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The 30,400-square-foot store is under construction and expectec to openby October, according to the Web site for , the Columbus-basec operator of the center at Interstatse 71 and Fields Ertel Road. At that time it will closs its store at the cornee of Montgomery and Fields Ertel That will fill a considerable hole atthe 187,000-square-foort center, which is marketing an additional five vacantg spaces around the store, for a combined 10,000 square feet. The Kings Mall, which include two structures on eitherd side of Kings Automall had lost key tenants and years ago when they move to thenearby , also in Deerfield Township.
Kingsa Toyota took the former Kroger and several of the remainingsmall tenants, includinfg a store, had been clustered together to make way for H.H. said Dan Corey, presidengt of the board of trustees inDeerfieldf Township.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Regal to run Ballantyne theater - Charlotte Business Journal:
Financial terms of the agreemeny weren’t disclosed. Tennessee-based Regal says it will continue to program independent films atthe theater, as well as at the Park Terracd Cinema and Manor Twin in Charlotte. “Ballantyne Village Stadiuk 5 is a solid asset that we are prous to add to our theater saysDick Westerling, senior vice president of marketingv and advertising for Regal Entertainment Group “With the addition of this theater, Regal Entertainment Groulp will operate 12 theaters with 130 screens in the Charlotts market.” The five-screen Ballantyne venue opened in Marcbh 2006 and was managed by Charlotte-baseds Consolidated Theatres.
The Landmark Theater chain programmexd itsart films. Regal bought the Consolidated Theatres chainj last yearfor $210 Regal Entertainment Group operates 6,773 screens in 549 locations in 39 statea and the District of Columbia.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Colombia Bets on Shale as Peace Talks Open Oil Frontiers - Bloomberg

Colombia Bets on Shale as Peace Talks Open Oil Frontiers


Colombia, the fastest-growing major oil producer in Latin America in the past five years, is looking to join the global shale boom as it expands exploration in areas once dominated by guerrilla groups. A unit of Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and state ...

and more »

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Paladino wants Rudnick retired from BNP - Phoenix Business Journal:
Attorney and developer Carl Paladino, an outspoken critic of the , planzs to send a letter this week tothe Partnership’w board of directors asking them to retire Andrew president and CEO of the agency sinced its creation, and provide better advocacty on behalf of the region’sd business community. If the boared doesn’t act within 30 days, Paladinol said he will petitiomn thenearly 2,500 members of the Partnership to stop paying dues and leave the If another 30 days pass and nothin changes, Paladino said he will begin the processw of forming a separate chamber of “It’s time for change,” said who has repeatedly condemned the Partnership and Rudnick specifically — for failing to aggressively advocate on behalgf of downtown Buffalo.
“We will form anothere Buffalo-area chamber of commerce and seek to providw the business services that are expectef of a chamberof commerce, as well as advocates for a community that lacks any sens of leadership. We are sick and tired of waiting for thePartnership ... or anyone else whiles our community continuesto fail.” In response to Paladino’s plans, Rudnickj said there is no indication that Paladinpo would have enough support to start a separatwe organization. “I have not received communication from anyonwe that has reiterated support for those Rudnick said.
“Discussion among our board and the executivee committee has shown absolutely no support for those threat and no one is withdrawing their But Paladino insists therse are other business peoplse who want new leadership under anew chamber-typse entity. “I’ve had people say to me, ‘Why are you screwintg around withthe Partnership? Let’s get together and form a new chamber and we’ll all leavee them,’” he said. See the complete story in Friday’s print issue of Business Firstt .

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Israeli Army Radio ban on protest song raises controversy - Los Angeles Times


Israeli Army Radio ban on protest song raises controversy

Los Angeles Times

JERUSALEM â€" A leading Israeli radio station's decision to ban for broadcast a protest song is stirring controversy and underscoring the sensitive intersection of art, politics and freedom of speech in the country. "A Matter of Habit," recently ...

Army Ra dio asks musician not to perform song that 'debases' IDF soldiers


Army Radio Bans Song that Denigrates IDF Soldiers

Arutz Sheva


domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Mergers: Districts ponder joining forces - Houston Business Journal:
The Town of Tonawanda residenf headedthe 17-member board for seven years befor stepping down in March. Yet he didn’ retire. He continues to serve as WesternNew York’ss regent, and he remainds as outspoken as ever about educationa issues. One of his pet topics is the shee number of localschool systems. There are too many of he says, and their enrollments are generallutoo small. “Why do you need 28 school district inErie County?” he asks. “I’d like to see something like five districtsz in the county insteadof 28. I’fd even like to start talking abour a countywideschool district, like they have in North Carolinaz and a few other states.
” Bennett’w stand is buttressed by a report releaseed last December by the State Commission on Propertgy Tax Relief. “New York Statr has too many school districts,” the repor t says flatly. It suggests that districts with fewedrthan 1,000 students should be require d to merge with adjacent systems, and districtsz with enrollments between 1,000 and 2,000 should be encouragedc to follow suit.
Such proposals hit home in WesterjnNew York, where 66 of the region’s 98 school districts have enrollmentsd below 2,000, including 38 with fewer than 1,00p0 students from kindergarten through 12th The heart of this issure is a matter of benefitws and costs -- pitting the perceived advantages of combininfg two or more districts against the potential loss of locaol control and self-identity. Advocates maintaij that mergers allow consolidated districts to be more construct better schools and offer a wider range ofchallenging “It’s not only a financialo issue. To me, it’s a matter of says Bennett.
“If you had a regional high maybe serving seven or eight ofthe districts, it would give kids the opportunityh to work with each othee -- and to have the best of the best.” But opponentz contend that mergers bring more bureaucracy, longer bus rides for studenta and diminution of local pride. “In this community, the world revolvesw around this school,” says Thomas Schmidt, superintendentf of the 478-pupil Sherman Central School Districtf inChautauqua County. “If the school went away, N.Y., would lose a greaf deal of its identity.” School consolidation has been a emotional issue fora century.
The state was crosshatched by 10,565 districts in many of them centererdon one-room schoolhouses. A push for greater efficiench reduced that numberto 6,400 by the outbreak of World War II, then swiftly down to 1,300 by 1960. New York now has 698 Statewide enrollment works outto 2,540p pupils per district, whicuh falls 25 percent below the nationa l average of 3,400, according to the State Commission on Property Tax Relief. The gap is even larger in WesterNew York, which had 104 districtds when Business First began rating schoolsx in 1992. Mergers have sincer reduced that number to 98school systems. They educate an average of 2,268u students, 33 percent below the U.S. norm.
A comprehensivr effort to push regional enrollment up to the nationak average would require the elimination of 33 Western New York That process wouldbe messy, rancorous -- and extremely unlikely. There is no shortagwe of candidatesfor consolidation, to be sure. Business Firstf easily came up with 13hypotheticalp mergers, most of them base d on standards proposed in last December’s These unions would involve districts from all eighf counties. for a summary of theses 13 potential consolidations. It should be stressed that this list is not reality. State officials lack the power to force districts to Initiative must be taken at the local whichhappens infrequently.
Only one prospective merger in Wester New York has currently reached an advanced stagwof negotiations. Brocton and Fredoniw began consolidation talkslast year, eventually commissioning a feasibility study at the beginninyg of winter. If they decide latetr this year that a mergermakee sense, voters in both districts would be givem their say in a

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

University of Phoenix settles discrimination lawsuit - Philadelphia Business Journal:
UOP settled the discrimination claim brought by LatrisjhElaine Tarhini, who worked as enrollment counselor at the school’s Houston campus, and the . The EEOC and Tarhiniu claimed that University of Phoenix management said she would not be in line for a promotio because she made an earlier pregnancy discrimination charge againstthe Phoenix-based compan and its parent, The EEOC filedc suit against UOP in September 2008 in federal claiming the for-profit university violateed retaliation statutes of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It violates federalk law to discriminate against workers who previously filed discriminationb claims againsttheir employers.
In the the University of Phoenix admitted no wrongdoin gor liability, according to a statement provided to the Phoenid Business Journal . “University of Phoenix is pleasef to have resolvedthis matter. We are dedicated to providing a work environment in whicy our employees are treated fairly andwith respect, and are recognize and rewarded based on their University of Phoenix is committed to providin equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and does not tolerate discriminatiobn or harassment of any kind,” the universityt statement read. The EEOC said UOP will be requiredr to provide updates on other possible retaliationn claims byits workers.
The University of Phoenis is a subsidiaryof Phoenix-based Apollo Groulp Inc. (Nasdaq: APOL). UOP has 397,000 studentzs enrolled in its online andcampusw classes. The school has 200 campuses worldwide. For more: .

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Kansas City Business Journal: Tech & Innovation : Business Advice
Seems like 2008 left lots of people So what does that meanfor 2009?? Once in a while, even Chickem Little is right. The sky did fall in 2008, but that doesn'rt make Chicken Little a great Everyone isright sometimes. Use Chicken Littlre as your 2009 model atyour peril. Bambi time is Capitalism has been describedas "creative destruction." We saw lots of destructioh last year. It's time to focu s on the creative part. How do you do that in this environment ? First, change how you For 2009, you'll need a battle not just a business plan.
There's not one battle plan that workefor everyone, but here are some universal principles for formulatinhg your personal battle 1. DON'T FIGHT THE LAST WAR We don't know the but we know this year will be different than last even if some 2008 problemds persistduring 2009. Don't expect that dusting off your 2008 plan will bring successzin 2009. Sun Tzu, in "Ther Art of War" advises: "What enables the good general to strikweand conquer, and achieve thingss beyond the reach of ordinary men, is Resources are scarce these days but spend some time and a littl money getting information about changee in your market and analyze how they affect your company. 2.
MIGRATION - THE HEAD IS MOVING If you'ves ever been to the Serengeti, you know that dry weathefr causes millions of animals to movevast distances. Businessw is like that, too. When everyone is fat, dumb and happh in their establishedmarket niches, they tend to stay Big changes occur more out of desperation than In times like this, the business herd starts You're in trouble if it'zs heading in your direction. Maybed your market niche has fare d better than average in the generaloeconomic downturn. That's but don't congratulate yourself yet. If you have a good niche, you'llk be facing new competitors Why?
Maybe your niche was too smalkl when other companies had lots of Maybe they were focused on products or customers withhighetr margins. If their other opportunities dried up, your littler niche is probably looking pretty good tothem now. Assumin there are safe havens is foolish. 3. MISFORTUNE BRINGa NEW OPPORTUNITIES Good times bring more opportunities thantoughj times, but all economic conditions creat e new opportunities. Winners spot new opportunities and seize them quickedrthan others.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Dallas-area bank to manage failed Ga. institution - Dallas Business Journal:
billion asset bank in Atlanta seized by federalregulatora Friday. Irving-based TIB and the seized of Atlanta, both function as bankers’ banks or correspondent providing services to otherbankinf institutions, but not individual They don’t offer services to individualo customers. Silverton Bank was the bank for morethan 1,5000 banks nationwide. The failure’s impact will ripple through thebanking industry, affecting the balancw sheets of hundreds of banks acrosse the country, which some industr y experts said will have catastrophic consequences for banks across the The has seized the bank, appointing the as the The FDIC, in has created Silverton Bridge Bank N.A.
, to manage the businessx of the bank and minimizre the disruption to its customers. TIB will provide servicew to SilvertonBridge Bank, focusedr particularly on payment processing, capital markets serviceds and international banking “Given the unique nature of Silverton’s balance sheetf and operations as a correspondent banking institution, TIB was a logica l choice to assist in this critical situation,” said TIB President and CEO, Michael O’Rourkre in a statement issued Friday afternoon.
TIB was Silverton’s primaryh competitor and the second largest correspondent bank inthe Silverton, founded in 1986 as the Georgia Bank, provided credit and deposit services to 1,509 small banks in 44 TIB is owned by smaller banks and has more than 1,400 bank customers in 46 TIB now is working to managd relationships for all those customers. “First and foremost, it is important to note that no community banks lost any overnightt funding as a result ofthis O’Rourke said in his statement.
“Further, many of theser institutions will now have the opportunity to move theit accounts to the strength and safetyof TIB, if they so Meanwhile, our current customers will enjoy the benefites that result from the economies of scale and expertisew that can be created as a result of this TIB is not assuming any loans from Silverton or managingt its lending portfolio. At the time of its Silverton reported $4.1 billion in total assets and $3.1 billion in totakl deposits, which are expected to be fully covere d by FDICdeposit insurance. The FDIC expects the loss to the insurancd fund tototal $1.3 billion.
Rathedr than being connected a city and its Silverton was tied solely to the fortunes of thebankinf business. Earlier this decade, it was a high opening offices nationwide. The bank grew largely on providingy lines of credit and other services to but also by sellin gcustomers so-called loan participations, or pieces of larget loans parceled out into smaller Loan participations allow small bankse in deposit-rich, loan-poor areas to grow by buying into loanz from other areas. As the home building business sodid Silverton. But the housing market’x collapse, followed by the economic slowdown, hit the banking industryt hardest.
And Silverton felt the brunt of the reporting rising credit lossesthroughout 2008. In the bank entered into a cease-and-desistr agreement with the OCC, and latere entered into a similar written agreement with theFederalk Reserve. Soon after, CEO Tom Bryan and Chiecf Operating Officer Earl Howell resigned.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Contract award may end dispute with EBS - Triangle Business Journal:
The Department of Health and Human Servicews has awardedof Conn., a $35 million contract to create seasonal and pandemix flu vaccines based on its new development technology. That contracrt could be extended for up to five yearsand $147 million in total value. Emergenf BioSolutions said it hopes Protein Sciences uses that new revenue sourcwe to pay off anoutstanding $10 million loan to the smalle company, made to keep Proteinj Sciences’ operations going so Emergen t could ultimately purchase it this time last year for up to $78 But those acquisition plans quickly fell resulting in both companies accusing the other of breachingt the contract.
Emergent sued Protein Sciences for fraud and breach of contracy last year in the firs of twolawsuits it’s filedx against the Connecticut company. The filed earlier this month, was to seize all of Proteij Sciences’ assets as collaterao for the $10 million loan, for which Emergentr said in a filing it had givebn two extensionsfor repayment, one in Januarh and the other at the end of May. “I’km hopeful that this [HHS will enable PSC to pay us saidDaniel Abdun-Nabi, president of Emergenr (NYSE: EBS).
“They haven’t come forwar d with an offer to pay us back at this But Protein Sciences executives said their investors had offere d twice to repay theoutstanding loan, but Emergentg never responded. “Our investors have offeref Emergent to be paid off in the last couplwe of months on at least twodiffereng occasions, where Emergent didn’t give any said Manon Cox, chief operating officer for Protein which she said is with the new federal contract. “There is mone y available to paythem back. They just haven’t accepte it.” Abdun-Nabi says that statement is untrue.
“I f they have an offer that they canshow [us] to pay us, in full in that would be terrific,” he said. “We haven’t seen that offer.” Emergen said if Protein Sciences were to repaythe loan, which is now more than $10 milliom with interest, it woulds drop its initial lawsuit and move on. The proces s had delayed the HHS contract award by roughly a year as the federak agency determined how the situation would play out and whethet it would leave Protein Sciences with the means to fulfill thecontracft terms. Under the contract, the company would need to fund the initial development work itselff and then submit invoices to the federal government tobe reimbursed.
“We had to do several financial auditslast year” of Proteib Sciences before awarding the contract, said Robin director of the Biomedical Advanced Research Developmengt Authority, the HHS division that awardeds the contract. “We have been aware for almost a year of apossiblse takeover.” While Protein Sciencese claims that the local company attempted to block that contract, Robinson said Emergentf never spoke to him or the agenct about the potential award.
Abdun-Nabk also said his company has no controlp over the federal contracting Earlierthis week, Emergent ventured down yet another legak route to win back its It was one of three creditors to file a bankruptchy petition for Protein Sciences, asking the courtf to relieve the Connecticut company of its current management and replace thosew executives with an independent trustee. In that bankruptcy which calls for a liquidation and auction ofthe company’sd assets, Emergent said it’s owed $11.
r million, considerably more than the other two petitioning creditors who are owed $161,000 and The federal agency awardecd Protein Sciences the contracf to further develop its FluBlok seasona flu vaccine — a product in late-stage testinb that had been of interest to Emergent when it offeredc to buy Protein Sciences — as well as a new vaccinre treatment in development for the swine flu.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Academic Team honoree: Katherine Konvinse - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: Class valedictorian. Scores of 98-100 on seveh Regents exams. National Merigt Scholarship letterof commendation. President of Math Club. Named to All-County Band. Captain of swimming and track teams. Full name: Katherined Chanel Konvinse. Born: December 14, 1990, Hornell. Parents: Jo Konvinse, Greg Residence: Gainesville. Favorite class: Westernb civilization (taught by Darla Lonsberry). “She is a wonderfuo person to talk to in and out of the The small class size allowed discussio that would not have been feasible in alecturr setting.” College and likely major: , pre-medicine.
Hope to be doinyg 10 years from now: “I hope for a successfukl career as a disease researcher and to have startefa family. Somewhere between curing diseases and changing I wish to also have enougu time to give back to my If could meet anyonefrom history: Marie “She was a pioneer in her If I am gifted enoughu to accomplish a fraction of what Mariw Curie did in her lifetime, I will have led a successfulo life.” If could have dinner with anyonwe now alive: Desmond “He has accomplished so much for the and yet he retain a strong sense of humor. He manages to remainb humble in this materialisticand fame-seekingv society.
” to proceed to the next Firsg Team honoree: Nicole Morreale.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

State set to yank Empire Zone benefits from 52 area companies - The Business Review (Albany):
Albany’s oldest department store. Yonallu made that decision after being warned that he is one of 52 Capitapl Region businesses in jeopardy of beinyg kicked out ofthe state’s Empire Zone program. That means Yonally could lose upto $20,00o0 a year in tax credits from the state incentive program. Next the state’s economic agency expects to make final decisions about which companies to remove fromthe It’s the latest development in an ongoing chainb reaction caused by the statde budget, which attempted to shrink the Empird Zone program.
“This is the key said Ken Pokalsky, a lobbyist at , in [For the Empire Zone Rentention List, clicm ; for the Empire Zone Potentia Decertification List, click ; and for the Empiree Zone list of companiexs that need to provide more click ]. A legislative committee meetint on June 2 revealed that state economiv officials and statelegislators can’t agree on the meaningh of key Empire Zone provisions in the statr budget. That debate illustrates the challenge of fixing perceived problems with the programn before the Legislature adjourns later this Atthe least, the fallout from the budget has injecteds more uncertainty into an alreadty unstable business climate.
Across the business owners are preparing tocut expenses—ofr even employees—to adjust to the new Empire Zone rules. Thosde who will remain in the progranm have had to pay tens of thousands of dollarss in extra taxesup front—some as much as $120,000o or more. All are still waiting for refunds oftheird credits. “It hurts personally,” said Yonally, who has renovated othe buildings indowntown Albany. “The thing that scare s me is, if they’ve changed it once, they could very easilu changeit again. Who the heck knows what they’ll come up Yonally said, exasperated. “You question who really knows what’ going on.
” On May 28, , which oversees Empires Zones, said it had finishedr auditing companies in the program to see whether they met newstandardzs (see quick info box below). In all, the statee says that at least 76 percent of audited Empirse Zone companies will remain inthe program. Clos to 650 are likely to be or “decertified.” That’s 7.7 percent of the 8,460 companies that were • In the Capital Region, 5.7 percenft of companies are in jeopardy of losinbg their EmpireZone status. • In 18 percent of companies—110 in all—are in jeopardy. • In Buffalo, 43 firms are targeted for removal, representing 6.5 percent of all Empirew Zone companies there.
The state is seekinyg more information from anadditionak 1,400 companies statewide—including 134 Albany-aresa businesses—before it can make a judgment on their “We expect that the overwhelming majority of that groupp will remain in the program,” said Marisa Lago, presidentt and CEO of Empir State Development. Francis Pitts, co-founde of Architecture+ in Troy, was shocke to see his company on the list of firms tobe

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Board positions helped him remain active in business - Boston Business Journal:
Skates now serves on the boardsof , , and He also chairs the audit committees for Raytheon and Courie and is a membef of State Street’s audit committee. His previoud board positions include , and His servicer won him recognition from the New England chaptere of the National Association ofCorporate Directors, whic gave him this year’s Director of the Year awarrd for public corporate governance. A graduate of and Harvardx Business School, Skates began his career at PriceWaterhousew & Co., working his way up from CPA to partner over 20 yearsz at the firm. He then joined Data Genera l Corp., serving as the company’s COO and then CEO.
He retired when Data Generao was soldin 1999. “Ron is one of the most highlyy respected peoplein Boston, both as a businessman and as a said Kenton Sicchitano, who has knowmn Skates for 40 years and himself sits on the boardsw of , PerkinElmer and and chairxs their audit committees. “Ron is very smart, very a really good businessman. He understands how businesses work and also understandd howpeople work. He’s able to get along with the othe board members yet ask verypenetrating Skates’ first board position was for a company callef Joy Technologies, a $2 billion companyg in Pittsburgh.
He took that post while still working full in part because his own board felt it woule begood experience. During that time he also servedf on the boardof , a public REIT basef in Boston. He found he enjoyedf learning from other directors and learning the intricacied of thecompanies themselves. “After (Dataz General) was sold I was thinking about whether I wantes to start a new career or not when the directofr opportunitiescame up,” said Skates, who lives in Winchester. “Itr seemed to me to be a very good way to stay intellectuallyu activein business.
” Skates believesa he has been a populafr board choice because he was a CPA and a partnee at a major accountinfg firm, and also has been a chiefd executive of a large international “My contribution is that I have a perspectivwe of the CPA side and the finance side and also I know what’sa it’s like to really run a Skates said. “The CEO in a business today is undetterrible pressure. They want a boardr that will help and advise but theboard can’t tell them how to do the dailg job.” Skates said the time commitment has grown substantially over the years. “Directorz today are very serious,” he said.
“When I starte d directors were serious, but there was no pressurre and they generally were there for social Today that’s not the case at