miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Five Minutes With: James Clements, West Virginia University - Baltimore Business Journal:

Clements, 44, was credite d with leading the development of scholarship and student suppory programs at Towson that have increased the number ofminoritgy students, as well as helpingb to generate a 36 percent boost in externally funded research over the past two He and his wife, Beth, have four You haven’t officially taken over the new job, but do you have expectationsa about what West Virginia University will receive from the economicd stimulus package? It’s all happening really fast. I know at Towson, there is a nice chunk of stimulus money coming for the stateof Maryland.
I had a long telephonee conversationwith (interim president) Peter Magrath, to find out: Do we have a game plan I honestly don’t know all the specifics, but I know theree is a focus on digital access, technology and as well as What about financial aid? Would expansion of the Pell Grant and otherr loan programs be on your wish list?? You hit the nail right on the My personal view is that any studenyt who is capable should go to college. We need to do the best we can to get as much moneyh as we can for students whoneed it. The primar reason students drop out of collegesis financial.
That just breaks my West Virginia University has had a difficult What steps are you planning to take to reassurrethe students, faculty and alumni? One of the things I said Friday was that WVU has had a grea t history — it’s been around since 1867. All schoolas have bumps along the way. What we need to do now is focus onthe future, and let the past be the past. We have to move not stay in “we’ve had a tough mode. At Towson, we were at our lowest poinft six or sevenyears ago, our president and everyone was feeling hurt. But we went from our lowest point to an all time high in termws ofretention rates, fundraising, you name it.
I thinok everyone at WVU feels good about the I need to listen to what people view as the where the opportunities are to fix things and dothingse better, and build a great team.

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