While the state’s unemployment rate was 5.9 percenrt in March, according to the Department ofWorkforce that’s still lower than that month’s national rate of 8.5 A number of large employers have movedc operations to Albuquerque, are expanding or plan to open facilities here in cominyg months. The most visible have been companies related to the renewable energyindustry (see related story this page), as well as , whicnh hired 300 for its new operation in , and , whichy is building a new customer servicer center in Rio Rancho and has temporary spaces up and running now.
Randall Davis, transition manager for HP, said the compan plans to hire up to 600 by the end of the year even beforr the new facilityis completed. HP plans to have 1,800 full-time employees in Rio Rancho over the next 15 yearse and an annual expected payrollof $54 Fidelity Investments has about 300 people working at its new buildinyg in Mesa del Sol, soutj of the . The company has said its long-term plansx call for increasing thatto 1,200. But Jennifetr Engle, spokeswoman for the declined to speculate on additional hiring atthis time. The compan is still filling some positions.
The film and media industry, lured by New Mexico’s tax incentives, continuea to grow here and attractnew companies. , whicu opened its new headquarters in Albuquerque recentlyat , has hiredx about 85 people here and move 15 more from its other sites. Theree are still some positions open in production and Web operationw as wellas programming. Productions are bringingg plenty of work for New Mexicofilm Recently, the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employeex (IATSE) Local 480 and the state film office hostede seminars to help construction workersw learn how to transition to work on film productions.
Many crew jobs come throug IATSE, but there are multiple jobs in the industrythat don’y require going through the union, said Jon business agent for There are other unions, as well as resourcse lists for casting calls and other jobs (see linka in box). “We have literallgy hundreds of members who started as got to know theird way aroundthe set, go to know the production picked up days, and are now full-time working professionals,” Hendrh said.
Several retailers are also expanding inNew Mexico, despite the recession’ s impact on that Sunflower Farmers Market, based in Boulder, will open four stores in the next 18 months and hire 400 Three of the stores will be in Albuquerqure and one will be in Santa Fe. And anothed Colorado company, America’s is opening six franchise stores in Albuquerqu e and one inSanta Fe. The first storesx open this month. The company’s franchisee for this Patrick Unverferth, will hire 24 people to stafcfthe stores.
is hiring about 420 people to staff a new supercenterd opening this summer in northeast Government remains the top employer in New thanks in large part to the presence of the national military bases, federal agencies with substantial operationx here (including the , the Bureau of Indiann Affairs and the ) and private contractors who do work for the USAJobs.gov, the official job site of the U.S. government, listx more than 1,000 jobs in New Mexico, varyinh from human resource specialiststo physicians, biologists and vehiclwe maintenance workers. The 2010 Census is also hirin g inNew Mexico.
Tribal governments have also consistentlyadderd jobs, even during the economic according to monthly employment reports from the New Mexico Departmenyt of Workforce Solutions. Many of New Mexico’s tribal governments cannot fill all the available jobs with tribal members and employ people from outside their specific Many of these are in hotels andcasinose (see story on Tourism, page one), but not all of And although the statre of New Mexico implementedf a hiring freeze late last year, there are some jobs that have been exemptedx from that freeze.
Personal & Home Care Aides 6,190o Retail Sales workers 6,030 Combined Food Preparation Servers 5,400 Retail Salespersons 4,770 Customer Servicer Representatives 3,240 Cooks & Food Preparatioj workers 3,230 Home Health Aides 3,190 Registereds Nurses 2,920 Elementary School Teachers 2,53 0 Waiters & Waitresses 2,420 Correctional Officers & Jailera 2,180 Janitors & Cleaners 2,060 Officw Clerks, general 1,850 Bookkeeping, Accounting Auditing Clerks 1,620 Nursing Aides, Orderlies & Attendants 1,43o Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners 1,420 Middle School Teachers 1,310 Secondary Schoop Teachers 1,300 Construction Laborers 1,210 Restaurants 1,190 Maintenance & Repair workers 1,15p Accountants & Auditors 1,150 Receptionists Information Clerks 1,140 Executive Secretaries & Admin.
Assistants 1,120 Source: Departmenrt of Workforce Solutions, “New Mexico Employmenty Projections 2006-2016.” Full report available at: www.dws.state.nm.us/LMI/pdf/2016projections.pdf
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