viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

UTMB receives cardiology training endowment - Houston Business Journal:
Dr. John C. Price createdr the Melvin L. Price M.D. and Charlesw A. Price D.D.S. Endowmeng for Cardiology Fellowship Training to support young education as they learn the nuances of treatin gheart disease, the leading cause of deat in the United States. Price’s brothersw both died of cardiovascular disease. Price said he wantexd to establish the endowment to ensure that UTMB can traim more cardiologists who will be skilled at helpin g patients with heart problems make full The value of the endowment wasnot “The twin goals are to provide more effective therap for those with heart disease and to encourags early identification of individuals at risk for subsequent interventio to modify and ultimately preventg the morbidity of cardiac and vasculad disease,” said Price, a head and neck surgeon.
In additionh to his recent endowment, Price has contributed to cardiology researchn at the university to aid the developmentg of new treatments and procedures that reduce functional impairment and deatgh fromcardiovascular disease.

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