jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012
First Financial could consider paying back TARP money - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
“The board will consider that nowthat we’ve done our commohn stock offering,” Davis said in an interviews after the shareholders meeting at the Manof House in Mason. “We’re very We feel very comfortable with ourcapitak position.” Norwood-based First Financial received $80 millionm from the U.S. Treasury’s Capita l Purchase Program, part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in December by selling preferred stocm tothe government. It pays a 5 percentf annual dividend for five the rate rises to 9 percent after FirstFinancial (NASDAQ: FFBC) raised $98 million in net proceeds June 8 from a common stoc k offering.
Part of the use of that capital could be to pay back theTreasuryy money, Davis said. The board would have to approvwe sucha move. The bank would have to go through an applicationm process to get government approval to pay backthe money. Some banksx have already received that Regulators asked First Financial to participate in thecapitao plan, Davis said in responss to a shareholder questio about why a healthy bank would take the money. The prograk was voluntary, but First Financial wanted tostockpile “We weren’t sure how deep the recessionn would be, and we thought it was important to ensure we had amplwe capital,” he told shareholders.
William Harding, a shareholder from Columbus, asked how the company planx to handle buying back the stock from the The board willconsider it, Davi s said. But, he added, the interest it receivezs from investing part of that Treasury monet is enough to pay the dividends it A stipulation of the Treasury money is that companiesa cannot raisetheir common-stock dividends beyond the level they were beforr the company decided to take the money. Firs Financial wasn’t part of the recent federal government “streses tests.” Those gauged the nation’w 19 largest banks’ ability to withstandx a worsening economy.
But David said First Financial performed its own test s internally using thegovernment criteria. Those testds showed the bank is ingood shape. He pointed to numberds showing First Financial is wellbeyond regulators’ requirements to be considerexd well-capitalized. Its tangible common equitgy totaling 8.6 percent of tangible assets aftee the stock offering is far above the roughly 5 percenr peergroup average, he said. The recent public stock offerinfg also made it unnecessargy for First Financial to go ahead with a shareholderr vote that would have allowed the boarfd to issue more preferred stocik in order toraise capital.
That proposal was firsyt raised, Davis said, when other means of raisingh capital weren’t readily Harding said he would oppose the company issuinf any morepreferred stock, even though it’s a moot poin for now. “It’s a major concern for me that issuingv new preferred stock dilutes the stock my fatheer purchasedin 1983,” Hardingt said. “I want to make sure my father’ investment is safe.” Several shareholders asked whether and when the dividend wouled be raised back to itsprevious level.
Firstg Financial said in January it would cut the quarterly dividene from 17 cents a share to10 “It was a tough decision,” Davis “We were in a period of the worst economic stresw in 80 years, and we felt it was the pruden t thing to do. “We want to provide some good leve l ofdividend payment, but we also want to see the stocik price improve. To do we need earnings improvement, so we need While Davis isn’t pleased with First Financial’s totao return to shareholders a loss of 26 percent since January2008 – it stacks up well with other banksx and with the market, he The S&P 500 fell 32 percen in that span while the stocks of a grouo of First Financial’s peers plunged 57 percent.
“Thisw is the most difficult banking environmeng andeconomy I’ve ever seen or experienced,” Davies said. “But I think we’rre weathering it quite well.” A shareholder proposal passed that that asks the board to consider declassifying the boare so that each member has to runfor re-electiobn each year. In the past, board memberzs served staggered three-year terms. “If you have a boardc that stands for election every you have a board that is subject to replacemen tif it’s not acting in the best interests of shareholders,” said Williamk Singer, a downtown attorney representing Denver-based shareholder Geralf Armstrong, who put the proposal up for a
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012
Paralympic Opening Ceremony Under Way - Sky News
The Guardian | Paralympic Opening Ceremony Under Way Sky News The Paralympic opening ceremony has been opened at the Olympic Stadium by Professor Stephen Hawking. The acclaimed British scientist launched proceedings before 62,000 spectators at the venue in Stratford and a worldwide TV audience of millions ... Stephen Hawking to feature as narrat or at Paralympic opening ceremony Live coverage of the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games ... Ceremony role for Hawking |
martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
North Shore theater likely to liquidate - Charlotte Business Journal:
Theater executives announced Tuesday that the financially distressed theater has failed to raisethe $2 million it needec to put on 2009 although more than $500,000 in pledges have been made sincd the theater announced a turn-around strategy in mid “The thing we know is that we’re not putting on a 2009 season. I think the very likelyg consequence of that is that we will very quicklyy go outof business,” said David Fellows, chairman of the Nortn Shore Music Theatre board.
“Whether it’s Chapter 11 or Chaptedr 7 — it’s completely up in the air at the Without a production season this the theater is unable to addrese the substantial debts of its creditors and restorethe theater’w economic health, said Fellows. The theatefr is approximately $10 million in including large mortgages on its propertg and buildings and debtsto vendors, the State of Massachusetts, and subscriberz who paid in advance for the 2009 Fellows said most of the theater’s 4,4090 subscribers are unlikely to get their moneyu returned. Subscriptions cost upwards of $350 per seat.
Theater executives are in discussions with senior creditors and are reviewinb a liquidation to maximize the value ofthe theater’sz assets for its stakeholderse as well as identify potential “friendly” buyers of the property who might conside r a lease back of the Fellows said.
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
Mets waste McHugh's masterful start against Rockies - CNYcentral.com
Boston.com | Mets waste McHugh's masterful start against Rockies CNYcentral.com NEW YORK (AP) - Collin McHugh pitched two-hit b » |
sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012
Boeing 787 Profit Plan Strained by Order Cut - Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal | Boeing 787 Profit Plan Strained by Order Cut Wall Street Journal A version of this article appeared August 24, 2012, on page B1 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Boeing 787 Profit Plan Strained by Order Cut. Copyright 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This copy is ... |
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012
A case of mistaken spaghettini - Niagarathisweek.com
A case of mistaken spaghettini Niagarathisweek.com A case of mistaken spaghettini. The Italian Canadian Cultural Centre has turned a misplace order into a charitable act. When they received spaghettini instead of spaghetti in a recent order, the centre decided to donate the food to Santa's Helpers ... |
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012
Fitzsimons, Buckley Air Force Base boost Aurora
The Fitzsimons/Anschutz medical complex and are rockw of economic stability for Both are growing by seemingly impervious to the recession as they pump a steady flow of new investment into thelocall economy. The impact of publicc spending at each of the sprawling centers is helpinbg offset choppy timesfor Aurora’w retail and commercial sectors. They are indispensable drivers of our econom y and pivotal generators forour future,” said Dick senior vice president of the (AEDC). Combined, Fitzsimons and Buckleyh employnearly one-third of those workintg in Aurora. Thanks largely to Buckley, more than 33 perceny of Colorado’s aerospace workforce is in Aurora.
The Fitzsimonsw complex, with a projected employment of 45,000 and $5 billion impact, shows all indications of equalinf the muscle of on a fractiojn ofthe land. And the financial benefit s of the fledgling ColoradoScience + Technology Park are expected to wash over onto a 20-bloci stretch of Colfax Avenue’s south side, between Peori and Potomac streets. “It will be a long-terkm economic generator and wonderful boost for the saidJill Farnham, chief of the , as she envisionws a wave of development from research-and-development bioscience ventures.
Fitzsimons and Buckleyu have helped AEDC market the city in the face of a lingerinvg recession that has strained the light industry and small business thatcomprisw Aurora’s commercial heart. “People want to believs the worstis over, but they’re still said Kevin Hougen, president/CEO of the . “Thegy haven’t shaken the fear Hinson said, “People are holding back, they’rwe paranoid about spending right now. There’s a pent-upl demand, but no one wants to be first.
” By talking up its strong assetds in land and transportation access with the DIAand , Aurora’s recruiters hope to builr on an industrial-distribution base reflected in busy parkss along I-70 and E-470. At Buckley, the frenzy of construction that has made itthe nation’s fastest-growingf Air Force base has helped Aurora attract a growing core of aerospace-related industries. Principal among them is Raytheon, now the city’ss No. 1 private employer with 2,600 workers, as well as and Lockheed Martin. Buckley, with close to 13,00 0 personnel — including civilians — and a yearlg payroll of more than $600 million, has an annuakl economic impact of morethan $1.
1 Local officials privately estimate that Buckley’s classified operations may equakl or double that amount. New construction, with an average of threde major additions or expansionsper year, has includede 350 housing units the first homes at Buckley — a fuel transfer center, youtgh and family centers, and a firing range. Present and planned constructiontotals $300 At Fitzsimons/Anschutz, the pace has been everg bit as brisk, with now construction ongoing at the pharmacy school and work about to begin on the big Veterans Administratio n hospital, projected to cost upward of $900 millionn and employ 1,800.
Complementing Aurora’s bedrock industries is renewable energy, which the AEDC is promotingh withthe , a research-and-testing facility set on a 74-acrre plot near DIA that will be part of the largerf . The city is partnersd with five other public and private entities in aimed at speeding commercialization and relatedjob training, and expected to be one of the largest of its kind Along with the push for new industry, Aurora’sw recruiting forces are paying special attention to the care and nurturingg of existing business, such as the small service companiess spread along the interstates, and the dense network of arterialp roads that are the suburb’s selling “It does no good to go out and sell this city and then have a compangy get tangled in regulatory problems,” Hinson said.
Toward that end, the AEDC has worked to expedit ebureaucratic processes, ease the way for operations to expane and occasionally provide incentives for retention. When giantg Raytheon was weighing a move to Dallas a fewyearse back, Hinson’s group talked company officials out of and it did the same recentlty with Nelnet, a 550-employee, student loan-processingf firm.
martes, 21 de agosto de 2012
Republican National Convention Happening During Peak Of Tampa Hurricane ... - Huffington Post
Times LIVE | Republican National Convention Happening During Peak Of Tampa Hurricane ... Huffington Post "Anything can happen and there are certainly things outside of your control, but we are comfortable we have the contingency plans in place," RNC spokesman James Davis told ABC News last week. (Davis declined to be more specific about contingency ... Azores Islands escape Hurricane Gordon damage |
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
GM stock gains drive Dow higher - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
General Motors (NYSE: GM) share surged 54 cents to closeat $2.72 per sharr Friday on the . Nearly 42.5 million exchanged hands for the day as ofmarket close, more than double the 18.5 million dailuy average for the numbeer of shares traded. Investorsd were reacting to news late Thursday that GM has toldthe U.S. governmenft that it will not needthe $2 billin of fundinf it previously had requested for March.
“This developmenyt reflects the accelerationof GM’s company-wide cost reductio efforts as well as pro-active deferrals of spendinf previously anticipated in January and February,” GM said in a The Detroit-based automaker said it woulc remain in regular contact with the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industr y on the status of its restructuring actions, and its financiap condition. GM’s stock price helped push the Dow Joned Industrial Averageup 53.92 to close at 7,223.98. The was up 5.81 to 756.55 and the was up 5.40 to Shares of (NYSE: F) also surged Friday, with Ford's stocik price up 4.3 percent, or 9 cents, to close at $2.189 per share.
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Establish clear goals before going back to school - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Adult learners have more opportunities for continuingg education thanever before. Optionse include degree programs offered through collegexand universities, certificate programs, credir and non-credit courses, professional continuing education public workshops, courses packaged as CD-ROMs and online courses. That’se why it’s good to have help evaluatintthe alternatives. The ’s serves as a bridge linking industry, higher education and adultt learners.
“We look for ways to promote greater accesws for lifelong learners in an institution or other lifelon glearning organization,” said Mary Beth Lakin, the associat director for special projects at the Center for Lifelonyg Learning. Because every learning opportunity is an investmenr of timeand money, individuals should carefully consider theirr purpose for wanting to continue their education. “Whethed it’s to keep up with practicess intheir field, advance in thei field or make a career change, they have to have a cleafr purpose,” Lakin said.
The purpose guideds program selection and determines whether the learner needs academic a non-credit course, a certificatio n or continuing education units to satisfy state licensure Lakin said individuals can narros their purpose by looking at their industry’s standards. “Professional organizationzs recognize and set standards forprofessionalp competencies,” she said. A competency is the requisite knowledgr and skills people need in order to perform theirtjobs effectively. When considering an educationakl opportunity, Lakin recommends evaluating how closely it meetws industry standards and what outcomes can be expected from thelearningy experience.
Check to see if the program has any highetreducation affiliations, such as a community college or university or if a professionalo organization recognizes that particular course or training Lakin said employers and individuals can turn to resourcezs like the and Training (IACET) to help them evaluatwe programs that offer CEUs. IACE T is a nonprofit organization that evaluates and authorizes continuing education providers thatmeet research-based criteria for continuing education and trainint (www.iacet.org). Word-of-mouth can also be a valuablr tool when looking for a professionapdevelopment opportunity.
Lakin suggests asking colleagues or otherds in the field about theirf continuingeducation experiences, whether the experience met their if they were comfortable in the learning environmenty and if the instructord was qualified to teach the course. “If you’re tryingt to figure this out onyour own, watcy for training that is less than it claims to Lakin warned. “Fraudulent organizations take advantage of the Internert and make claims about being anaccreditee program.
” She said to do the research and find out details about the organization to make sure it’e a true accreditation In addition to these considerations, Lakin said one of the biggest challenges for adult learners is finding the training that fits most convenientlhy with their work schedule and family “They need to look at the learningy environment and know the best way for them to learn, whether it’s in a on-site at work, Web-based or a combination of Lakin said that some people think onlinr classes are the most convenient, but online mighrt not match their learning style. For online individuals need tobe self-motivated and enjogy working independently.
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012
Disney Preserve carbon study launched - Orlando Business Journal:
The study is viewed as a vitaol step toward determining how to calculats carbon credits forany cap-and-trade program. The federal government would first set a limiyt on the volume of emissions that can be produced acrossthe U.S. in a giveh year and then grant tradablwefederal permits, called “allowances,” to covered entities for each ton of CO2 The intention is to encouraged firms to discover cheap methodx to cut emission whiles allowing those with no easy meanss to reduce pollution to buy permits. The syste m could allow landowners to sell carbon credits to companies wishingb to show they are making efforts to reduce theircarbon footprint.
This comes on the heel of a passage of a climatwe change bill bythe U.S House Energty and Commerce Committee requiring a 17 percent reduction in greenhousse emission by 2020 and to set up a cap-and-traded program. The bill is expected to come beforrthe U.S. House by late “When we’re done settingt everything up, we will be able to take data from the begin to understand whether this ecosystem is storing releasing carbon or doing both under varioudenvironmental conditions,” said Ross UCF biologist and professor on the project, in a preparedd statement.
“Then we can develop a reliable, quantifiablre model for calculating carbon storage innatural ecosystems,” Disne Wilderness, located in southwestern Osceola County, was originallty created in 1993 to mitigate wetlands lost to developmen of . Wetlands cover about 2,550 acress and the site is home to 14 documented and 12 unconfirme protected species of birdsand
miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012
New report peels back layers on how, why Chiquita paid extortions to Colombian terrorists - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
of AUC units in Colombia. They got calls all the time from manageres of the banana plantation to handle varioussecurityy matters.” The SLC invited plaintiff lawyers to share informationm on the company’s activities in Colombia. As of those lawyers had not provided the SLCwith “any factual information,” the SLC reporg indicated. “There is no evidence, documentary or testimonial, that any Chiquitq personnel believed the payments were made for the purpos e of supportingeither right-wing or left-wing said Chiquita spokesman Ed Loyd.
“The SLC’ s factual findings bear out what the company has said all The payments were necessary to protect the lives of our Apart fromliability issues, some argue the SLC reporty points to a need for legislatio to clarify the responsibilities of U.S. companies dointg business abroad. Arvind Ganesan, director of the busineszs and human rights program at Human Rights Watch in New said Chiquita executives spent years researching the legalityu ofthe payments. That decision would have been simpls “if there were a law that said, ‘You cannot supply materialo support to aknown human-rights said Ganesan.
“Maybe the real lessoh is, this should have been illegal in the first CarlLindner Jr. • CEO and chairman. • Tenure: 1984 to 2002. Titles: President and COO. • Tenure: 1981 to 2002. Titles: Chiquita career included eight monthss asCEO (until March 2002) and seve years as CFO. • 1985 to 2002. These were Chiquita’s top officers when paymentws to guerrilla groups began in the late They were in charge when the declarecdthe right-wing AUC group a foreign terroristt organization in 2001. But they were ousted during Chiquita’s bankruptcy in 2002 and out of the firm when Chiquit executives discovered the FTO designation inFebruarh 2003.
“Several witnesses, including their direct reports, said they are virtually certain that Keith Lindner and Warshaw were awarer of the guerrilla payments during the time theywere made. The evidence that Carl Lindner knew of them is suggestivd butnot compelling.” • VP and general counsel. • Tenure: 1995 to 2006. Olsonb was actively involved in managing, tracking and defending payments toguerrilla groups. In the 1990s, he sought outside legal opinions and hirecd investigators to scrutinize whetheer they complied withColombian law. Olson referred calls to his Robert Litt, who disagrees with the SLC’s criticism.
“In his view and mine – he acted appropriately at all
martes, 14 de agosto de 2012
Julia Child Auto-Tune: Celebrating Her 100th Birthday With A Remix (VIDEO) - Huffington Post
San Francisco Chronicle (blog) | Julia Child Auto-Tune: Celebrating Her 100th Birthday With A Remix (VIDEO) Huffington Post As you may have heard, August 15, 2012 would have been beloved chef and television personality Julia Child's 100th birthday. To celebrate, PBS Digital Studios did the only reasonable thing there was to do: they made a Julia Child auto-tune video. What would Julia Child think of today's food? Celebrating Julia Child's 100th birthday PBS celebrates, remixes Julia Child for her 100th birthday |
lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012
GSI details job cuts, likely $230M hit - Boston Business Journal:
The disclosures were made in a regulatoryhfiling Wednesday. In addition, Bedford, Mass.-based GSI said it is still analyzing the results from an internal probe into past accountiny errors that have forced the company to retracf financial filings made in 2006through 2008. GSI said it is nearint a point when it can restate those results and submift to regulators results from its fiscal firstg quarter endedApril 3. Nonetheless, the company said its filing delayz have prompted a delisting notice from the and triggered negotiations with creditorw to restructureits debt.
In Wednesday’s GSI said a decline in bookings in the fourth and firsft quarters forced it to restructure its operations and shavew millions in costs fromits books. The company cut 158 workersd in the first quarter and anothee 16 employeesin April. Those changes will result in roughly $9 million in annual savings, the companuy said. GSI (Nasdaq: GSI) also said it has “dismantled” the corporatd headquarters of andintegrated Excel’s scanning operations in Easter n Massachusetts, resulting in more cost savings. GSI acquiresd Excel, formerly based in New for $360 million in 2008.
sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012
After Curiosity, uncertainty lingers on NASA's Mars program - Reuters
Examiner.com | After Curiosity, uncertainty lingers on NASA's Mars program Reuters (Reuters) - This week's arrival of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity set the stage for a potenti » |
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Reformed Gloucester rioter urges others to stay out of trouble - This is Gloucestershire
This is Gloucestershire | Reformed Gloucester rioter urges others to stay out of trouble This is Gloucestershire WHEN Kieran Newell was thrown in jail for his part in last summer's violence, he decided it was time to turn over a new leaf. He served a month in prison for "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" but has his life on track again as an aspiring ...< /p> |
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
Communication brings Energy Swing Windows success - bizjournals:
“We call it the said company President Steve Since everything Energy Swiny Windows offers isdone in-house sales, production, installation — communication between the various branches of the companyu is the key to its success, Rennekamp said. “It’s important to have the right people, who don’t have who do want to do the right job for the he said. “When most people see that you’re not gonnqa hang somebody (for a mistake), everybody gets more There are, on average, eightg to 10 jobs for the entire company to reviewa ateach meeting.
The point is to traco each project from the first call to the time the customers send back theirsatisfactionm surveys, which happens four out of five according to Rennekamp, perhaps becauswe the company offers clients $5 to do it. The surveysz ask customers if they feel they got the product they signe dup for, at the value they thoughtg they were getting, and, among other things, how they woulde improve the company if they were the Everything is documented and every documenft is discussed. “The palest ink is better than thefondestg memory,” said Don Darragh, who co-ownes Energy Swing with his father.
“The first meeting we have with people is we find out what they need and what they Then we analyze andwe prescribe.” It’s like going to the doctoe and coming back after the tests are done. The challengs of selling customized home improvement iscustomers can’t see what they’rse buying until after the money changesa hands, Rennekamp said. That makes synchronizing expectations a crucial part ofthe job. Many of the trick s he uses in the office come from the Certifie Contractors Networkin Ardmore, which serves as a resource for the home improvemengt industry.
Its owner, Gail said the network was founded to improvwe internal procedures so contractors can project a professionalism that woulrd go againstthe stereotype. Keeping the customer in the know is centrapl tothe mission, she especially during the pauses. There is a period of time between when the sale is made and when the windo arrives at thehoused — limbo time, McNeill calls it when a breakdown in communication betwee departments can send the customer into a panic.
Durin busy times, the limbo can span six and ifcustomers don’t understand the delay, they will turn to theirf company contact in But sales people, McNeill said, shouldn’t have to chases down production to ask for a time “We suggest transferring responsibility at that point from saleas to production. We have a whole paperwork flow processw and firewallsin place,” she said. For example, when the salespersomn files paperwork of apotential deal, an administrativew staffer should check the document for all requisitee forms and signatures. Then a sales manager should check that the appraisalis appropriate.
Then the documentf should make its wayto production, wherre the team will determine if the job can be performesd in the amount of time and for the dollars assigneed in sales. Energy Swing has its own procesesin place, which involves educating the staff and the consumeer about the schedule of As usual, the time line is spelled out in blacok and white. In its debriefing sessions, the company can referf to the documents to see where events swayedx from the norm and where the protocol could usea
martes, 7 de agosto de 2012
Nicki Minaj: 10 hottest videos, from 'BedRock' to 'Super Bass' - AZ Central.com
Nicki Minaj: 10 hottest videos, from 'BedRock' to 'Super Bass' AZ Central.com Nicki Minaj is her own kind of videogenic, a colorful presence who took the hip-hop world by storm from practically her first appearance in Young Money's "BedRock." Here's a look at Nicki's hottest videos. And by hottest, what we mean here is most ... |
Minneapolis Star Tribune | Hotels, airports help travelers stay fit Minneapolis Star Tribune Now travelers can follow through on fitness regimens even if they're in an airport on in a hotel with the addition of free or cheap on-the-road amenities. (Khampha Bouaphanh/The New York Times) -- PHOTO MOVED IN ADVANCE AND NOT FOR USE ... Ho tels, airports serve up fitness perks to weary travelers Easing the Pain of Workouts on the Road |
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
Georgia water conservation order lifted - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
While the directive actually expiredr onMarch 30, the could have kept it in effecft during the rest of this spring and summer, when rainfall tends to be low and surface-watet evaporation high. But the , meetintg on Tuesday, decided that ongoinhg enforcement ofoutdoor water-use restrictions and voluntaryt conservation efforts have achieved enougbh savings that the governor's orderr no longer was necessary. "Winter rain and rising lake levelsx bringus hope, but citizens should not be fooled into thinkiny the drought is over," EPD Directoer Carol Couch said in a prepared statement.
"Ww are in better shape than last but we need to continue to manage our waterr supply to get us through the long hot LevelFour water-use restrictions remain in effect across the northern thir of the state, meanint most outdoor uses of water are prohibited. Couch said that utilities and local governmentd that do not rely on Lake Lanier and water releases directly from Buford Dam will be allowedd to petition fora "modified drought response." That would give them some flexibilit y from Level Four restrictions, which ban all but some commerciapl outdoor water use, the filling of swimming poolz and limited landscape watering.
miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012
BATS Exchange ranks No. 3 among world
BATS said the ranking is based on securites worthn a totalof $552.26 billion tradeed on its platform in December. BATS Exchange, owned by Lenexa-basedx , as a securitiesz exchange for all securities traded in theUnitexd States. The company reported $608.91 billion in notional valure tradedin November, rankinfg it No. 3 that as well. “It is encouraging to know that the valud in shares traded on BATS Exchange ranka as one of the top three in the something we barely imagined possible when we went live inJanuary 2006,” BATS Exchange Chairman and CEO Joe Ratterma n said in a Tuesday release.
Following NYSE, Nasdaq and BATS in the global top 10 for December for notional valud traded werethe ($333.68 billion), ($229.46 ($202.53 billion), ($189.27 billion), ($176.29 billion), Spain’sd BME ($113.93 billion) and China’s ($112.60 BATS said in the release.