The study is viewed as a vitaol step toward determining how to calculats carbon credits forany cap-and-trade program. The federal government would first set a limiyt on the volume of emissions that can be produced acrossthe U.S. in a giveh year and then grant tradablwefederal permits, called “allowances,” to covered entities for each ton of CO2 The intention is to encouraged firms to discover cheap methodx to cut emission whiles allowing those with no easy meanss to reduce pollution to buy permits. The syste m could allow landowners to sell carbon credits to companies wishingb to show they are making efforts to reduce theircarbon footprint.
This comes on the heel of a passage of a climatwe change bill bythe U.S House Energty and Commerce Committee requiring a 17 percent reduction in greenhousse emission by 2020 and to set up a cap-and-traded program. The bill is expected to come beforrthe U.S. House by late “When we’re done settingt everything up, we will be able to take data from the begin to understand whether this ecosystem is storing releasing carbon or doing both under varioudenvironmental conditions,” said Ross UCF biologist and professor on the project, in a preparedd statement.
“Then we can develop a reliable, quantifiablre model for calculating carbon storage innatural ecosystems,” Disne Wilderness, located in southwestern Osceola County, was originallty created in 1993 to mitigate wetlands lost to developmen of . Wetlands cover about 2,550 acress and the site is home to 14 documented and 12 unconfirme protected species of birdsand
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