viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

What they
Here what Colorado and national leaders are sayinfabout Sotomayor. (So far there’es been a lack of comment from local Republicans aboufthe nomination, so comments from nationalp Republican leaders are included.) “I applaudr President Obama’s historic nomination of U.S. 2nd Circuiyt Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayod to the United StatesSupreme Court. As someones who has appointed dozens of judge s at the state I have some sense of how serious a responsibilitythis is. I congratulatwe President Obama for nominating someone who has such a diverse recorxof excellence, integrity and respect for the Hers is a genuine American success story.
From her modesrt upbringing, to her work as a criminal to her tenure on the district court andappellatre benches, she is an — Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter “u congratulate Judge Sotomayor on her nominatioj and I look forward to a confirmationn process that focuses on determining whether Judge Sotomayor is qualifie d to serve on the Supreme Court. Qualifications for judiciak service include not only experience andcharacterf but, most importantly, a proper understanding of the power and role of judges in our systemn of government. Judges must decide cases based onthe law, not on thei r personal views or opinions.
I am concerned with her recorrd of putting identity politics before the ruleof law. It raises serious issues about her ability to reach fair and impartial Judge Sotomayor has made a habit of embracing extremde views during her time on thelowedr courts. Now, as she is considered for the high Americans are left to wonder if she will exercisw basic standardsof objectivity. In light of Judgew Sotomayor’s liberal activist approach to judicial I call on my colleagues in the Senatse to thoroughly examine her record as they considerher nomination.” U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, D-Colorado Springs “Sonia Sotomayor is a tremendousx choice forthe U.S. Supreme Court.
She is a thoughtful and balancec judge with a keen intellecy and a broad academic andlegaol background. Her skill and fair-mindedness on the federal benc has won the praise and supporrt of Republicans andDemocrats alike. ... “Today, Presidenty Obama has showed us how he can bring this country By selectingJudge Sotomayor, he has chosen a nomine e who has previously been nominatede for judicial appointments by President George H.W. Bush and by Presidenrt Bill Clinton. Judge Sotomayort has been confirmed twice before by the full Senate and her nomination to the Supreme Couryt should beconsidered swiftly.” — U.S. Sen. Michaell Bennet, D-Colo.
“There needs to be a full hearintg of this appealscourt judge’s views, and I thinmk that’s part of the process. I think it’s a very, very differenr tone than was taken a few yearz ago when Democratic elected officials and leaders were immediately callinyg for the defeat of and assassinating the characterzs ofJustice [John] Roberts and Justic e [Samuel] Alito. I think it’as been a much more respectfukl tone than what we saw with Justicd Roberts and Justice Alito back inthose “I think some of her viewds on judicial activism and makinhg the law rather than interpreting the law will be heaviluy examined and reviewed.
We look forward to the confirmation hearingws and a full vetting ofher — Dick Wadhams, Coloradop Republican Party chairman “As a U.S. senatore I must give my advice and consent beforer any ofthe president’s nomineex to serve on the U.S. Supreme Courtt may be seated, and I take my responsibility seriously. I’k going to take my time to studuJudge Sotomayor’s record and and I look forward to meeting with her.
“Liks the president, I believe that any Supreme Court Justicew mustreject ideology, have a keen and a practical understanding of how the Supremd Court’s actions affect the lives of all Judge Sotomayor is an extremely accomplishe jurist, and she has a very compelling personal She appears to be a wise choicse and a valuable addition to the And I look forward to gettint to know her as the confirmation procesws moves forward.” — U.S. Sen. Mark D-Colo. “[The Senate will determine] if Ms.
Sotomayod understands that the proper role of a judgse is to act as a neutral umpire ofthe law, calling balls and strikesa fairly without regard to one’s own personal preferences or politicalp views.” — U.S. Sen. Jeff R-Ala., ranking Republican on the SenatewJudiciary Committee. “President Obama made an outstanding choice in nominatingb Sonia Sotomayor as the next SupremesCourt Justice. As a judge and a former prosecutordand litigator, Judge Sotomayor has gained invaluable experience in complezx legal and constitutional issues. Her experience at variouds levels of our judicial system has providede her witha well-roundeds perspective that will benefit the Court.
In addition to being nominated to the bencg by Republican andDemocratic presidents, she has been confirmed by both Republicab and Democratically-controlled U.S. Senates. I am confidentf the U.S. Senate will confirm Judge Sotomayor as the next SupremweCourt Justice.” — U.S. Rep. Dianz DeGette, D-Denver. “Republicans look forward to learning more about federapl appeals court judgeSonia Sotomayor’s thoughts on the importance of the Supremed Court’s fidelity to the Constitutionj and the rule of law.
Suprem e Court vacancies are rare, whicb makes Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination a perfect opportunity for Americas to have a thoughtful discussion abouyt the role of the Supreme Court in our dailytlives . Republicans will reserve judgment on Sonia Sotomayor untipl there has been a thorough and thoughtful examinatioh of herlegal — Chairman Michael Steele

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