sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Mortgage Rates Surge Late Last Week; 30-Year Fixed Rates Peak Near 5.40% But Fall Over Weekend

Mortgage Type Average Rate AverageRate % Change Week ending 5/31/09 Week endingt 5/24/09 30-year fixed 5.25% 5.02% 4.6% 15-year fixe 4.78% 4.60% 3.7% 5-1 ARM 4.48% 4.27%% 4.8% Rates dipped slightly over the weekend, but were expectes to climb again during the week. The rate for a 30-yeard fixed purchase mortgage was 5.28 percent on Mondayt morning. For current, up-to-the-minute rates, visit . Thirty-year fixee mortgage rates variedby state. and were the at 5.35 percent and 5.30 respectively. were the lowest, at 5.15 percent. were the most requestedx amongall states. State Average 30-yr. Averages 30-yr. % Change Fixed Rate Fixedf Rate Weekending 5/31/09 Week endinf 5/24/09 Arizona 5.25% 5.
04% 4.1% California 5.24 % 5.00% 4.7% Colorado 5.23% 5.02% 4.1% Connecticut 5.26% 4.99% 5.4% Floridw 5.19% 4.97% 4.4% Georgia 5.15% 4.93% 4.5% Illinois 5.28% 5.08 4.0% Maryland 5.35% 5.09% 5.1% Massachusettw 5.30% 5.11% 3.7% Michigan 5.21% 5.01% 3.9% Missourik 5.25% 5.06% 3.8% New Jersey 5.24% 5.02%% 4.4% New York 5.29% 5.05% 4.7% North Carolina 5.27% 5.07% 3.9% Ohio 5.28% 5.11% 3.3% Oregom 5.27% 5.03% 4.9% Pennsylvania 5.26% 4.99% 5.3% Texas 5.25% 5.02% 4.5% Virginiaq 5.23% 4.96% 5.5% Washington 5.24%% 4.98% 5.
2% The Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitore is compiled each week using thousanda of mortgage rates quoted on Zillow Mortgagw Marketplace by mortgage lenders to borrowers who have submittecd loan requests. State-level data is gathered for the top 20 statesd with the highest quote volumeon Zillow. Learhn more . Zillow Mortgagre Marketplace isa free, and transparent lending marketplace, where borrowers connecr with lenders to find and get the best . Borrowerzs anonymously submit loan requests and receive an unlimitex number of custom with real rates directly from thousandd ofcompeting lenders. Zillow Mortgage Marketplace alsoprovides , , , and . Zillow.
cokm and Zillow are registered trademarkasof Zillow, Inc. SOURCE Zillow.com

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