viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Georgia water conservation order lifted - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
While the directive actually expiredr onMarch 30, the could have kept it in effecft during the rest of this spring and summer, when rainfall tends to be low and surface-watet evaporation high. But the , meetintg on Tuesday, decided that ongoinhg enforcement ofoutdoor water-use restrictions and voluntaryt conservation efforts have achieved enougbh savings that the governor's orderr no longer was necessary. "Winter rain and rising lake levelsx bringus hope, but citizens should not be fooled into thinkiny the drought is over," EPD Directoer Carol Couch said in a prepared statement.
"Ww are in better shape than last but we need to continue to manage our waterr supply to get us through the long hot LevelFour water-use restrictions remain in effect across the northern thir of the state, meanint most outdoor uses of water are prohibited. Couch said that utilities and local governmentd that do not rely on Lake Lanier and water releases directly from Buford Dam will be allowedd to petition fora "modified drought response." That would give them some flexibilit y from Level Four restrictions, which ban all but some commerciapl outdoor water use, the filling of swimming poolz and limited landscape watering.

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