domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Consumer confidence retreats - Denver Business Journal:
Nationally, consumer confidence dropped sharplyin June, cutting into threse months of gains that had seen the overall index more than The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Indexs fell by 5.5 pointd to 49.3 in June. Statewide, Florida’ds consumer confidence index for June fell three points last month to 68, the result of bad economix news including the bankruptcy of Genera Motors Corp., foreclosures and a spik e in Florida’s unemployment rate, according to a new Universithy of Florida poll.
While Floridians’ perceptions of personak finances compared with a year ago is up threwe points to 44 from a revised May readinvof 41, other perceptions were lowerr than, or the same as, last month. For example, perceptionx of U.S. economic conditions over the next year fell seven points to 65, while perceptions of whether it’ws a good time to buy big-tickey items fell nine points to 67. Perceptions of U.S. economicd conditions over the next five years remainer unchangedat 80.
"Moving forward, we do not expectf Florida consumer confidence to decline much more over the next couplseof months, barring some unforeseen change here in Florida or Chris McCarty, director of UF’s Survey Research Center at the Bureauh of Economic and Business Research, said in a news release. McCarty cautioned the recovery is expected to be long and unevenh for some sectors ofthe economy. "With the demise of longstanding financial institutiones such as Lehman Brothers and manufacturing companies like Chryslerand GM, it is no longer business as he said. The preliminaryy index for June was conducteds from430 responses.
It is benchmarked to so a value of 100 representzs the same level of confidence forthat year.

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