sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

GM to eliminate 90 Pennsylvania dealerships - Pittsburgh Business Times:

That's according to the company'e "wind down" list that GM provided to the U.S. Housw Energy and Commerce Committee's subcommittee on oversigh and investigations made public as part of a hearing last WhileGM hasn't made public the specific dealerws whose franchise rights it is the company revealed that it has targeted 90 of its car dealerxs in Pennsylvania to be closed in the next 12 to 17 That's 11 more than the next hardest-hit Ohio (79), followed by Illinois (66), California New York (60) and Michigan (58). GM plansa to reduce its dealership ranks from morethan 6,000 to an "ideal dealer blue print" of 3,380p dealers.
Long the biggest auto manufacturer in theUnited States, GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from creditors in United States Bankruptcty Court a little more than two weeks ago. GM is basinv its closures on the dealedr performance scores that take intoaccount dealers' sales, customef satisfaction, capitalization and profitability. While GM'se local dealerships to close have not been made the company's plans to reducde its dealer count in Pennsylvaniaq follows Chrysler's May announcement that it would eliminatse 789 dealerships nationwide, which include 53 statewide and 12 in westerhn Pennsylvania.
After filing for chapter 11 in May, the bulk of Chrysler' assets recently exited bankruptcy court as part of a new compangy now owned by Italianautomaker

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