sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

Army-Navy game coming to FedEx Field - Business First of Buffalo:

The , the and Destination D.C. have announced that the 112tjh Army-Navy game will be playedx at in Marylandon Dec. 10, 2011. Alongb with the football the event brings with it a weeken ofancillary events, including the Army-Navy Gala. “Thie is a phenomenal achievement by the three organizations to securd such an historic eventr forour nation’s capital,” said Robert Sweeney, presidentt of the Greater Washington Sports “With nearly a half million activ e and retired military personnel currently living in our regio and the historic memorials that honofr our nation’s service men and women, it just makesz sense to have a game of this magnitud e played in Washington.
” The evenft is part of an eight-year packaged announced Tuesdayt by the and the . Philadelphia will host the gamein 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The game will take place in Baltimore in 2014and 2016.

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