martes, 17 de julio de 2012

“The concept is designed to be a comfortabled fine dining andseafood restaurant,” says John owner of the restaurant operatinf company. “But with today’s market, our pricew point isn’t going to be in the $23 and more Golon has worked in the restauran t industry since he was 13years old, including the last 18 yearsx at Danver’s, where he’s helped the company expanxd from two to seven Memphis-area His start up-cost is $1 Sharky’s Gulf Grill is leasing the 6,300-square-foot building on 1.3 acrexs from LLC, which consists of local businessmen Robert Bernard Farber and Anwar Aman.
Sharky’s Gulf Grill will serve primarilyu seafood, including sushi and oysters. Goloj is contracting with seafood suppliers who deal directly with Instead of taking the fishto they’ll ship it directlyt to certain restaurants. “It eliminates the middleman and helpxs you to get fresh seafood at a morereasonablwe price,” he says. Sharky’s Gulf Grilol will print up new menus each day to reflectthosd catches. “We’re not going to be absolutelt certain aswhat we’re going to have until we get it all into the Golon says. “When you deal with all fresh you don’t always know what you’re goingf to have.
” Golon hired Gretchen Rogers asgeneral manager. She previousl served as general manager at nearbyOwen Brennan’s. Sharky’s Gulf Grillo should begin hiring in late July and open in Augusftor September. Golon plans to hire 100 peopled initially. Gary Shanks and John Reed, brokers with LLC, represented RABF Holdingx when it purchased the propertyfor $2 millioh in December 2008. “This is one of the premiedr restaurant sites inthe city,” Shanks “You can fast forward 20-30 years and this will stilol be a great piece of real estate and a solidd trade area. It’s Poplar Avenue.” Tom Turrki with , designed the is general contractor.

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